ΔΧ at Wilmington, North Carolina.

  1. TownesII

    Little do y’all know they’re the worst fraternity on campus. 15 brothers and they all suck.

    9 years ago at 1:01 pm
      1. SteveHoltBlowsChode

        Delts have a nice house but aren’t top tier. KS and KA are top tier and SAE would be if they weren’t kicked off.

        9 years ago at 9:27 pm
      2. UnKappaFifth

        SAE got the boot? I didn’t realize the Delts had a house the only house ever known in Wilm was the Chi Phi house

        9 years ago at 2:53 pm
  2. GirthBrooks

    Those wings look pretty dark. Must have been spawned in hell which a definite indication that she would partake in analingus.

    9 years ago at 4:27 pm