10 Most Fun Safety Schools In The United States

9. West Virginia University — Morgantown, West Virginia

Didn’t get into Penn State and feeling down about yourself? Don’t worry, kid. West Virginia University would love to have you. With an 85 percent acceptance rate coupled with a 33 percent graduation rate, you aren’t guaranteed a degree when you walk away from Morgantown, but you’ll have a great time while you’re there.

Don’t harp on the fact that it’s the flagship university of one of the least educated states in the nation, just be happy you don’t have blacklung like everyone in the surrounding towns around Morgantown. The University is only 10 miles or so from the Pennsylvania border, so if you’re ever in one of those “Why did I move to West Virginia?” moods, just drive two hours north to Pittsburgh and take your mind off it at Rivers Casino.

West Virginia University isn’t a terrible place, and you’ll be an experienced couch burner by time you leave. The city has some great bars and an active Greek life system — one of the few positives of going there. The alumni base is fiercely loyal to one another, so you’re bound to get a job if you are part of the one-third of the student body that actually gets their degree.

  1. DartSquad

    This article had a clear correlation with the sluttiest colleges article. Can’t say I’m surprised

    9 years ago at 10:48 am
  2. Jameson Von Budweiser

    University of Michigan had a 32.2% acceptance rate in 2014. I found this out by googling the phrase “University of Michigan acceptance rate.” The fact that you can’t even google shit correctly is unreal.

    9 years ago at 11:16 am
      1. Dan Regester-edsexoffender

        West Virginias graduation rate is 56%. I also found this by typing in “Wvu graduation rate” on google

        9 years ago at 3:44 pm
      2. peewhereshepoops

        Hey Steve, next article you write can you do it in your car. Just keep the car running and keep the garage closed, I heard it really gets the creative juices flowing so u don’t have to give us horseshit articles like you currently do you smelly fuck

        9 years ago at 9:35 am
  3. SuperSpy1897

    This was just a subtle way of shitting on all of these schools, most which are probably superior to the one you graduated from. Truly, fuck you SteveHolt. #fireSteveHolt

    9 years ago at 11:20 am
  4. The Human Power Move

    Steve it was funny at first but im pretty damn sick of seeing your name. wish i could say this is a joke but seriously fuck off

    9 years ago at 11:27 am
  5. JohnRedcorn211

    You disrespecting Ole Miss is despicable. I’m not really going to dispute the fact it isn’t the most impressive degree, but still, fuck you Steve.

    9 years ago at 11:32 am