10 Most Fun Safety Schools In The United States

Nervous about applying to college because you have shitty grades? Already in college, but looking to transfer with a crappy GPA? Fear not, terrible students, there is a whole world of opportunity out there for you in the form of safety schools.

Safety schools are a lot of fun. Sure, the academics aren’t the best at these colleges, but network with the right people and you’ll be fine after graduation. Don’t stress over your application — most of them only require a meager pulse to qualify for enrollment, but they are more fun than about 90 percent of other colleges across the country.

Here are the 10 most fun safety schools in the U.S.

10. Texas Tech University — Lubbock, Texas

Nicknamed the “Harvard of West Texas” by no one, Texas Tech is a great place to go if you didn’t apply to vocational school in time. Sure, Lubbock is a terrible town far away from civilization, but there is something peaceful about isolation.

Schools like Texas Tech aren’t going to rigorously tear you down with a mess of academia, so life after class is actually pretty sweet. There are some cool little bars in downtown Lubbock, and the limited coursework makes it all the more appealing to drink yourself into a coma every night of the week. Sports are a big deal at Tech, too, and even though they aren’t any good, it’s fun to watch them beat up on the schools you didn’t get into so you can brag to your smarter friends about how Tech is better than their college.

Tech is also a great place to network with some of the most world’s most powerful millionaire(‘s shithead kids). If you’re lucky enough, someone’s dad will hire you right out of school.

  1. Dave1029

    Alabama has changed a lot in six years. If you ever did any sort of research, you’d know that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still not “prestigious,” but I wouldn’t call it a safety school anymore.

    9 years ago at 11:40 am
    1. TN-

      That’s because they increased their out of state students. They gave 10+ full rides to people from my HS just a couple years ago. The same people couldn’t get anything close at UT.

      9 years ago at 11:47 am
      1. Dave1029

        Yup you’re right. But those out of state students bring in more money, and tend to be smarter than your average Alabama redneck. Don’t get me wrong, I love my home state, but there’s a lot of stupid people in this state that either need to forego college, or go to auburn.

        9 years ago at 11:58 am
    2. SteveHolt

      Alabama is only difficult to get into if you’re from Alabama. They are dying for out-of-state kids to enroll.

      9 years ago at 11:49 am
  2. MenSince56OX

    What the fuck is this? I barely even bothered reading any of what you wrote. Why the fuck did you put one school on each page? Are ad impressions that important to you Steve? At least when SFPL made dumbfuck lists, they were easily readable.

    9 years ago at 11:54 am
  3. mexican falafel

    Michigan State’s acceptance rate is actually 65%. The average incoming freshman GPA is a 3.5 and a 25 ACT. It has an acceptance rate that high only because a majority of the applicants have high GPA’s so a majority are accepted. Looking at acceptance rate I guess you could call it a safety school, but if you look at the stats, it is definitely not one. Do some research, Steve.

    9 years ago at 12:00 pm
    1. TN-

      A 3.5 and a 25 aren’t exactly high marks for a high school student. Hell I had those marks and didn’t do jack shit to earn them.

      9 years ago at 12:17 pm
    2. Kav

      I received a 151 and 150 on my LSAT (Yeah, I’m aware I suck at taking it), and MSU’s college of law gave me a scholarship. I’m probably going to accept it, but a 151 is “exactly average.” So, Michigan State rewards being average. I’m cool with it, but let’s not pretend they’re something they aren’t.

      9 years ago at 1:39 pm
      1. mexican falafel

        i’m not talking graduate school here. I’m just sayin when the 15th to 75th percentile for gpa is 3.45-3.9, I wouldn’t myself classify that as a safety school.

        9 years ago at 3:35 pm
  4. Terry Hoitz

    I was about to say this is a terrible list, but then I noticed the author. I said to myself, he doesn’t know any better.

    9 years ago at 12:02 pm
  5. theJunior

    Reading one of your articles is difficult enough. Now you think I’m going to click through 10 tabs of one of your articles? Fuck you

    9 years ago at 12:12 pm