10 Things To Keep You Busy During Sorority Rush

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Most of my friends in sororities always complain about rush. They hate how long they have to be at the house, they hate that they can’t go out, and they hate all the bullshit conversations they have to have with PNMs (potential new members for those of you who don’t know sorority vocabulary). Guess what, ladies? I also share your hatred of sorority rush, mainly because the campus suddenly becomes a gigantic sausage fest. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with my fraternity brothers, but after three days of no girls, we get very bored. We can’t throw any parties and going to the bars isn’t as fun–sorority rush week is just so damn boring. Have no fear though, guys, because I came up with 10 activities to help pass the time. I have ranked these activities, and now I will share them with the world. Some are easier than others, but sometimes you have to put in the work to have fun.

  1. Go to Las Vegas — Vegas has everything: gambling, nightclubs, strip clubs, great pool parties. If you have a few grand just burning a hole in your pocket, go to Vegas. You will have fun.
  2. Try to invent a new drinking game — Remember you can still get drunk this week, so gather your pledge brothers and create an amazing drinking game that you can share with the girls the next week. I personally recommend some basketball elements in the game.
  3. Sleep — It sounds stupid, but you would be surprised how much a week’s worth of nine or more hours of sleep can do for you. You might as well rest up, because the rest of the year, you’ll be lucky to get six hours of sleep a night.
  4. Heckle the new girls — Get a lawn chair, some booze, post up at sorority row, and just be the biggest dick you can be. Be careful, though–don’t be the guy who takes it too far.
  5. Make improvements on the house — This week, fix up the house. Clean it up, make some improvements. If you have pledges, use them. When girls come to your house the next week, you want it to be presentable.
  6. Explore your town — I am a little biased on this one because I go to the University of Texas and Austin is an incredible city. However, there are many colleges located in some pretty cool locations. Go exploring, find a cool hole in the wall restaurant, and see what the area around your college has to offer.
  7. Play poker — This is a great activity. You can play with your fraternity, other fraternities, or online. Plus, if you’re good at poker, you can make some serious cash and that’s pretty nice.
  8. Go to some baseball games — There is nothing better than going to MLB games. If you disagree, I honestly do not know what is wrong with you. Yes, some colleges are nowhere near a stadium, but that doesn’t matter–it’s called a road trip. Road trips are a lot of fun. Just watch the movie to get you psyched up.
  9. Visit a school where sorority rush has either ended or hasn’t started — Every school has a different schedule, so call a friend and party at his school.
  10. Catch up on TV — This is the week to watch shows you’ve missed, and it’s a good week to start a series or catch up before a new season starts in the fall.

Yeah, sorority rush is boring, but you can always find a way around it.

  1. Jack Blackout

    No mention of hanging out with the local high school girls? Guess that’s just me.

    10 years ago at 8:22 pm