100-Year-Old Man’s Only Regret Is Not Sleeping With His Friends’ Wives

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Image via Nanette Gonzales

As many of you know, I was a dutiful public servant and did not have sex before my 21st birthday, which is the age at which the U.S. Supreme Court decided it was good and legal for Americans to do so. Granted I haven’t had sex after my 21st birthday, either, but that’s just because I’m the kind of person that women are genuinely disinterested in for a multitude of reasons.

Not all men are like me, though. Take Fred Fox, for example. At the ripe young age of 100, Fox met with reporter Gendy Alimurung to talk about his successful French horn career, getting old, and his life at the century mark. When the subject of regrets came about, Fred Fox said that he has just one. And it’s great.

From LA Weekly:

No regrets. Well, maybe just one: the affairs he could have had with the wives of friends. “There were many moments when these wives were willing, shall we say. And I didn’t. To this day, I ask, should I? I still don’t know.”

Now I’m not someone who can afford to be picky when it comes to girls. For example, if there was a glory hole where there was a 30% chance that there was a girl on the other end and a 70% chance there was a rabid bandicoot, you bet your sweet ass I’d take a chance. Gotta take some risks to get anywhere in life. Fred, though… What a guy! Turning down women for the sake of his marriage. That’s an RFM if I’ve ever seen one.

It’s sad that Fred will never be able to get his rocks off with his friends’ wives. If he ever wants a nice BJ (bandicoot job), though, he knows who to ask.

[via LA Weekly]

Image via Nanette Gonzales

  1. lxattorney

    Fred better hope none of his friends are still alive to read this if he wants to see 101.

    11 years ago at 12:33 pm
  2. Upstanding Gentleman

    Always nice to get a bandicoot job before putting it in the bandicooter.

    11 years ago at 12:47 pm
  3. ISUGreek

    I bet Dorn’s only regret when he hits 100 is not sleeping with his friends’ sons

    11 years ago at 12:55 pm