12* Ways to Photoshop a Vagina Out of a Picture

When we received this picture this morning I was told to Photoshop out the young sorority woman’s private parts so that we could put the picture up on the website. I did as I was told, cropped our trademark sailboat, and went about my business. But then I got to thinking, there HAD to be a better way to Photoshop a vagina out of a picture. So I put together a little collection of options, all unfortunately rejected by the staff. Luckily I decided to publish them anyway. And in case you’re wondering, yes I do have serious problems.

“No means no” means you get punched in the dick.

  1. BulldogofBergen

    Scroll over the pictures, let the arrow sit there for a few seconds and read the file names Bacon named the pictures.

    13 years ago at 6:45 pm
    1. SNU

      Mother of God that shit was funnier than the column itself. Even more proof Bacon needs serious serious help.

      13 years ago at 7:48 pm
  2. McC0y

    So all of these disturbing pictures are OK but a picture of a girl’s vagina is out of the question? What the fuck? I thought this was America…

    13 years ago at 10:36 pm
  3. fratsofourfathers92

    Thanks to this, I will laugh every time I go down there. You’ve done it again Bacon.

    13 years ago at 10:40 am