12* Ways to Photoshop a Vagina Out of a Picture
When we received this picture this morning I was told to Photoshop out the young sorority woman’s private parts so that we could put the picture up on the website. I did as I was told, cropped our trademark sailboat, and went about my business. But then I got to thinking, there HAD to be a better way to Photoshop a vagina out of a picture. So I put together a little collection of options, all unfortunately rejected by the staff. Luckily I decided to publish them anyway. And in case you’re wondering, yes I do have serious problems.
“No means no” means you get punched in the dick.
13 years ago at 3:46 pmugh it’s so much harder to hit on bacon now that his twitter is suspended :/
13 years ago at 9:22 pmAfter some VERY extensive research, its seems that the original was Beaver-free. Are panties not TFM friendly anymore?
13 years ago at 12:21 pm