13 Crude Questions Americans Have For Canadians
Viral list-writing supernova BuzzFeed recently published a list–obviously–that features who we can assume are Canadian citizens asking questions directed at their American neighbors. Some of the questions are rude, too, and seemingly out of nowhere. Got my jimmies mild-to-moderately rustled. A few emboldened Canadians just felt like putting us on blast, I guess. But why? Where is the anger coming from? Why y’all been acting so messed up towards us?
The article, “13 Crude Questions Canadians Have For Americans,” shows 13 pictures of people holding up questions for Americans written on white paper. They range from innocent and jovial to downright offensive. The questions can be seen HERE. They look like this:

I ran a search for the rebuttal article from the United States-headquartered BuzzFeed, you know, “13 Crude Questions Americans Have for Canadians,” because if they are going to rip on their own people, it only makes sense to fire back. Right? But I didn’t find shit! Nothing. Classic BuzzFeed.
I obviously had to write the Americanized rebuttal. Here are 13 Crude Questions Americans Have For Canadians:
- Why are y’all so concerned about what’s going on down here in the States?
- How does it make you feel that 90% of your country is too cold to live in while we’re down here just chillin’ all over the place?
- Does it bother you that people around the world simply think of Canada as America’s boring next door neighbor?
- Why does it look like a 3rd grader designed your flag using Microsoft Paint?
- Biebs is from Canada. Fuck that guy. (Not a question)
- Why don’t you have your own native food? It’s basically just American, right? Like steaks and sandwiches and shit…
- What’s the last movie you saw? It was made in America, wasn’t it?
- Check out this map that shows the population density of Canada. Why y’all trying to be so close to us all the time?
- Why do you get all of our major TV channels but we get none of yours?
- Marry, Fuck, Kill: Celine Dion, Justin Bieber and Drake
- Is it true y’all only have sex in the missionary position?
- Does it hurt your feelings that the few cool citizens you have move down here?
- Why are you all so weird and awkward looking (minus Rachel McAdams)?
[via BuzzFeed]
Answer 1: it’s not on every corner just the ones we have conquered.
10 years ago at 9:36 pmSo every corner?
10 years ago at 9:07 amFuck BuzzFeed. Pussies. TFM should play em in some intramural football or something
10 years ago at 10:41 pmI KNOW RIGHT? That would be sick bro.
10 years ago at 9:08 amto the people who asked questions
10 years ago at 1:04 am1) Because we like to remind you pussies coming down to visit us that we are better than you
2) why you gotta say gotta, maybe if you super sized your crappy education you would actually know english, eh?
3) Bieber.
4) Because I don’t want my tax dollars going towards your obvious sex change operation.
5) Shouldn’t you be driving a cab and talking about how you were a doctor back home or some shit this time of day?
6) I would stop talking about stereotypes but i’m pretty sure the woman in this picture has asked me for spare change before.
7) go back to yelling “MEN ARE PIGS” while violently cutting sausages in your box on the corner while maniacally laughing you lunatic.
8) “this just in, a man with a knife has taken a bank hostage in Ontario”
9) He is only saying this because the guy who butt fucked him in a truck stop him never called back despite his numerous “strongly worded letters about their relationship”
10) yeah your kinda right.
11) We do, that is the point of being an American. They don’t put us in boxes here and even if they did, you’d be nice and safe in that closet of yours eh chief?
12) Butter face for sure
13) she was definitely like “Can I do another one? I really want to get my message out.” Besides, she had some time to kill before going to play guitar on the subway and asking anyone who looks at her for money.
The butthurt is strong in this thread
10 years ago at 7:48 am#8. Canadians are the close-talkers of migration patterns.
10 years ago at 8:23 amI want to give this Canadian fuckboy a massive swirly
10 years ago at 8:41 amMmm Rachel McAdams
10 years ago at 9:48 amFireball is Canadian
10 years ago at 9:49 amWant to know what we here in America say about Canada? Nothing, we don’t talk about you.
10 years ago at 11:25 amRead the first comment on the buzz feed article. It’s brilliant
10 years ago at 12:27 pm