send nudes

13 Surefire Ways To Get A Girl To Send You Nudes



Shooters shoot. #TFM (From @wmorland)

A photo posted by TFM (@totalfratmove) on

Shooters shoot. #TFM (From @robrev6)

A photo posted by TFM (@totalfratmove) on

Who doesn’t? #ShootersShoot #TFM (From @taylorsantacruz)

A photo posted by TFM (@totalfratmove) on

Shameless. #ShootersShoot #TFM

A photo posted by TFM (@totalfratmove) on

Have a funny and original “Send Nudes” picture? Email it to me at

  1. Butanefratoil

    How could you not include the 10 year old who dropped his Pokemon cards in this fashion, you’re better than this

    8 years ago at 11:45 am
    1. FrattyMacDaddyTFM

      It says “Sugar” right on the package, but more importantly, why are you so angry?

      8 years ago at 7:55 am