2016 debate drinking game

The Only 2016 Presidential Debate Drinking Game You Need

2016 debate drinking game

Drink whenever:

  • Trump backs his claims with “People are saying.”
  • Anytime Trump tries to connect with African American voters by doing a sassy “Oh no you didn’t” hand gesture.
  • Hillary tries to connect with the youth of America with a year-old pop culture reference.
  • Hillary talks about how she has a vagina.
  • Trump alludes to his dick and/or balls.
  • Trump sarcastically compliments Hillary’s pantsuit.
  • Trump interrupts Hillary with an insult or “to get his point across” by insulting her.
  • Hillary attempts to interrupt Trump but gets strong armed by a “Can I finish?”
  • Trump says the words “great,” “tremendous,” “huge,” or “beautiful” multiple times in the same breath.
  • Trump cartoonishly shrugs or appears to be having an orgasm on stage.
  • Hillary looks dizzy deflecting statements about her emails or Benghazi.
  • Either candidate reassures the public that they’re in perfectly good health.
  • Trump’s past donations to Hillary are acknowledged and then discredited seconds later by Trump.
  • Hillary’s honesty is in question.
  • Chelsea, Ivanka, or Melania are dragged through the mud.
  • Trump drops a “People love me” or remarks about the ratings.
  • Trump goes with his noted speech crutches “If I’m elected president, we will win again,” or “Make America great again,” and Hillary responds with, “America is already great.”
  • Hillary appears to be contemplating having Donald Trump murdered.
  • Mike Pence or Tim Kaine are mentioned and you find yourself asking, “Wait, who the fuck are they?”
  • Trump sounds like your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Hillary short circuits and forgets her “how to be a normal human being” programming.

Finish your drink whenever:

  • Bill’s sexual indiscretions get brought into the mix.
  • Trump backs up an argument with legitimate, specific facts and not broad political overtones.
  • Hillary actually lands a joke.
  • Trump reassures people he’s a true Republican.
  • Moderator Lester Holt isn’t ignored when he wants to move on.

Butt chug if:

  • Hillary dabs.
  • Trump gets attacked or assassinated.
  • Hillary starts convulsing on stage and has to be shocked back to life.
  • You feel genuinely good about where American politics currently stand.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. SharkWeekTFM

    I enjoyed reading this list. You kept it clever and threw in the absurdities with really good pacing.
    Good job Dan 🙂

    8 years ago at 5:52 pm
  2. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

    Take a sip every time Hillary coughs. Chug if she wipes phlegm across her clothes. Finish your drink if there’s blood.

    8 years ago at 6:46 pm