21 & over movie drinking game

The ’21 & Over’ Drinking Game

21 & over movie drinking game

My first experience with this drinking game was back in the summer of 2013 after me and my buddies returned home from a pre-season NFL game in which Tim Tebow made his debut appearance for the New England Patriots (remember that!?).

Needless to say, we needed to drink. It was kind of late at night, though, and since we were all sophomores in high school we were understandably hesitant to engage in any raucously loud binge-drinking games that would inevitably draw the attention of my buddy’s parents. We were in need of a more laidback approach to deleting the warm thirty racks of Natty Light that his older brother Matt had hidden for us in the basement.

Coincidentally, we had also rented the movie 21 & Over earlier that day; my friend Sam and I had been meaning to watch the film since its release back in early March of that year. This seemed like the perfect time to finally enjoy the movie, but we still wanted to play drinking games. Being the like-minded problem solvers that we were, we both quickly whipped out our brand spankin’ new iPhone 4s and fired up simultaneous Google searches for movie drinking games to accompany the film. After roughly 15 minutes of shopping around for a game on a number of reputable drinking game websites, we landed on one that seemed to include a reasonable number of rules that were both humorous and easy to remember.

In the five or so years that have passed since this fateful evening, I have attempted to play movie drinking games with a handful of other motion pictures — and none have been even close to as much fun as this one. 21 & Over is currently the only movie that I own on my iTunes account strictly because of the phenomenal drinking game that accompanies it.

If you’re ever in need of a rainy day activity for you and your friends or perhaps something fun to do on a night in with your significant other, here she is: the 21 & Over drinking game.

The Setup

1. The 2013 motion picture 21 & Over
2. Somewhere between 5 and 10 beers per person
3. Commitment to the game

The Rules

Take a healthy swig of your drink every time:

1. A character says the name “Jeff Chang.”
2. A character makes a movie reference.
3. There is nudity.
4. Somebody makes a racial comment.
5. Whenever you want.

If everybody actually gets into it and participates, this game can be wildly fun. It’s a phenomenal movie, too; Miles Teller is in it and he’s the fucking man. 21 & Over just makes you want to go out and party, making it an ideal pregaming device.

So chill out, grab some friends and a couple cases, and enjoy this entertaining cinematic drinking game. If you’re 21 & over, that is.

Image via YouTube

  1. Butanefratoil

    Sophomore in highschool in 2013? Jesus you’re young enough to have given wedgies to baggy in highschool

    7 years ago at 4:21 pm
      1. Too.Old.For.This.Shit

        I’m confused by this apparent insult, could someone explain this to me? Oh and also, WHERE THE FUCK IS FAIL FRIDAY!?

        7 years ago at 5:45 pm
      2. thevaginator

        The kid got drunk and posted what was probably the longest comment in TFM history, and in the process established that I own every inch of his head.

        7 years ago at 6:33 pm
      3. Wraith

        And even though you claim to be an entitled rich kid with unlimited access to things the poors can only imagine, you still have 16 hours a day to troll this site and put down “losers” and “fucking pussies” that you consider beneath you……….yep, that logic totally checks out.

        7 years ago at 7:29 pm
      4. ShowMeYourButtStuff

        Truly entitled rich kids are usually busy living fun ass lives. You sit on this site all day long spewing the same non entertaining, unfunny bullshit to people and clearly were never and will never be in a frat. At least use your worthless hours around other losers you can relate to.

        7 years ago at 3:05 am
      5. thevaginator

        You already pussied out of our fight once you sorry little bitch. 1730 Melrose place Knoxville TN. But none of you have the balls to show

        7 years ago at 8:58 pm
      6. thevaginator

        You wouldn’t know. You don’t have the balls to come within 100 miles of Knoxville. If that location is a problem for you then how about you name a time and place little man?

        7 years ago at 9:12 pm
      7. Butanefratoil

        Okay I can understand trolling but how is posting physical address not a violation of the rules (lol rules). But seriously you grandex jackasses blackballed frabst way back in the day but this kid is allowed to post addresses? You gotta be kidding me, where is the line drawn?

        7 years ago at 4:49 am
      8. Mward2002

        Grandex gives no fucks anymore. They’d rather try and push shitty clothing to us than moderate the train wreck that is the comment section every day.

        This is right there with watching a top tier house crash and burn, while the exec board just buries their head in the sand.

        7 years ago at 10:22 am
      9. thevaginator

        I go to the University of Tennessee, dumb fuck. Good Lord you’re dumber than you sound. You got a problem with that address, give me one. All you losers are just making excuses because you don’t have the balls to do anything.

        7 years ago at 12:31 pm
      10. thevaginator

        I’ll be in Vegas for memorial day weekend and am happy to make the quick trip to Phoenix to knock you the fuck out. I’ll even do it hungover. Just name a time and place pussy boy

        7 years ago at 3:51 pm
      11. Stardog

        I’ll be at the gym @1pm -Arizona combat sports. U will NEVER show. P-U-S-S-Y

        7 years ago at 5:01 pm
      12. thevaginator

        We aren’t using gloves you fucking pussy. Meet me outside the gym. I wanna put your face through the pavement with my bare hands.

        7 years ago at 5:23 pm
      13. Stardog

        U don’t need gloves. U will never land a punch. Bring your moms medical insurance card. And if u are a 12 year Old. Bring your daddy if u ever met him. I can beat the shit out of him for not pulling out and shooting u on the curtain.

        7 years ago at 6:24 pm
      14. thevaginator

        You do realize I had offers to fight professionally in MMA right Kid? I turned them down because I already had enough money and decided to go to college to party my ass off instead, but just know you’re about to get your shit rocked. Pussy

        7 years ago at 7:52 pm
      15. Stardog

        I realize u talk a lot of shit. U live in mom’s basement jerking off to gay porn. U lack the discipline to be a fighter. In other words. Your mouth writes checks your ass can’t cash.

        7 years ago at 9:31 pm
      16. thevaginator

        Sticking up for your butt buddy little fella? You are such a fucking loser kid

        7 years ago at 7:42 pm
      17. thevaginator

        Easy there slugger. Youre doing a lot of talking for someone who’s too much of a bitch to back it up

        7 years ago at 12:11 am
      18. thevaginator

        Easy there slugger. Youre doing a lot of talking for someone who’s too much of a bitch to back it up

        7 years ago at 12:12 am
      19. JoePaaaa

        Nice job commenting your garage twice in a row. Not like we don’t get enough of it already

        7 years ago at 10:24 am
      20. thevaginatorv2

        Jesus Christ I’m farming goobers! 5$ a pop can be yours today. Fuckin goobs everywhere on this dumpster fire

        7 years ago at 2:53 pm
      21. thevaginator

        That’s what I thought. None of you losers have the balls to do anything. Keep dancing boys

        7 years ago at 3:49 pm
      22. HateUsCuzTheyAintUs69

        The vaginator won’t ever take the hint that he’s a fucking bored community college student that won’t ever get laid

        7 years ago at 7:31 pm
      23. thevaginator

        Look at your profile pic kid. I don’t know which loser you are but you guys have got to be two of the biggest goobers I’ve ever seen

        7 years ago at 7:50 pm
      24. HateUsCuzTheyAintUs69

        I’d rather be a “goober” than a virgin with a micro penis, but to each his own.

        7 years ago at 11:37 pm
      25. thevaginator

        The only reason you’re not a virgin is because you fucked the loser next to you in your profile pic. Try less kid

        7 years ago at 7:35 pm