22 Phrases We Need To Retire
There are certain things we say that are as annoying as your new Philosophy lecture with that professor who has mandatory attendance. Here are 22 phrases we gotta stop saying as soon as humanly possible.
- It’s lit, fam
- Netflix and chill
- “That’s so gay”
- I can’t even
- The struggle is real
- Squad goals
- Man bun
- Low key
- Relationship goals
- Make America Great Again
- #ImWithHer
- Harambe jokes
- Trigger warning
- Safe spaces
- Check your privilege
- Turnt
- It sounds better on vinyl
- I like their old albums better
- I liked them before they were cool
- Eminem is washed up
- I only wear magnum condoms
- Side chick
No, it’s not.
It’s time to move on to Hulu and hang or Amazon Prime and 69.
What is this, 2006? If you say this, just know that we all know you’re so deep in the closet you’re finding Christmas presents, Narnia, and your old Sega Genesis.
Yes you can, Becky.
No, it’s not.
Squad goal: get people to stop saying squad goals.
Honestly, we just need to get rid of man buns overall.
We high key say this too much now.
We all know you’re never gonna find a boyfriend, Deborah. You have herpes and you banged the whole debate team last month.
When was America more great than it is now? When minorities and women had less rights? When it was okay to be a bigot? When Trump still had hair and didn’t have to wear that hilarious roadkill on his head?
For those of you who don’t know, “her” refers to Hillary Clinton. Why would you be with Hillary? Just because she’s a f____? Sorry, I tried to say female but the emale got deleted (I’m the first one to make that joke, I swear).
TRIGGER WARNING: if opinions that aren’t exactly like yours are “triggering” to you, then please go fuck yourself because you’re a weak, hypersensitive dickbag.
No more safe spaces. Stay here and get triggered.
Ok, just checked it. Now what?
Boy, you better “turn” your ass around and go home, you obnoxious douchebiscuit.
Does an audiotape of you being murdered sound better on vinyl? Because that’s the record I wanna hear, you pretentious hipster asshat.
I like the old world better before you were born, Kyle.
I wanted to hit you in the nuts with a sledgehammer before it was cool. Wait no, that was always cool.
There are 2 types of people. People who flipped the fuck out when they heard “Rap God” for the first time, and liars.
Any dude that goes out of their way to say they have a big dick DEFINITELY has a small dick. We all know you’re only packing 3 inches on a good day. You’re not fooling anyone, Matthew.
Just be a man and call her your mistress like back in the good ol’ days..
Can we retire Wally Bryton while we’re at it?
9 years ago at 1:37 pmAnd by retire I mean push him into traffic
9 years ago at 1:38 pmTFM writers that need to disappear mysteriously 1. Wally Bryton
9 years ago at 1:41 pmIf – “Fail Friday comes out every Friday” – is a legitimate phrase then I guess it has to be retired since the intern is far to fuckin’ stupid to get the job done….
9 years ago at 1:43 pmMake America Great Again isn’t some pro pre 1865 support statement. It’s about the fact that we are 20 trillion in debt, we are no longer respected around the world and PC culture has been taken too far. Fuckin sell outs at TFM. I didn’t even finish this, stop taking lists from Reddit.
9 years ago at 1:47 pmTrue, but the military is still respected. We’ve been dominating conflicts since 1775. We’ve been murdering fools since before America was America. But you’re correct in the rest of your statement.
9 years ago at 7:59 am23. “Where’s Fail Friday”
9 years ago at 1:55 pmJust post it you dumb fucks
I swear TFM is actively trying to drive away it’s audience with shit like this
9 years ago at 1:59 pmThey are doing better than trying.
9 years ago at 2:45 pmWOP!!
9 years ago at 6:48 pmFuck you Wally
9 years ago at 2:03 pmHow about #Imwithher or “stronger together”
9 years ago at 2:12 pm#23 Let It Rip
9 years ago at 2:16 pmWally you need your privilege checked. Fuck you.
9 years ago at 2:26 pm