22 Reminders That Jen Selter Probably Has The Best Butt On The Planet

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I think all butts are pretty neat. There are some butts, however, that are in a league of their own. The National Butt League… Now there’s something I’d watch. You wanna know who the best player in this league is? Jen Selter. Plain and simple. If you didn’t already know this, here are some pics to jog your memory.

The day somebody photoshops Jen’s ass onto Kate Upton’s body, it’s game over for me. Game. Over.

All images via Instagram

  1. nolenation44

    Also, her Instagram contains information for “business inquiries”. Riiiiight…”business”.

    11 years ago at 5:15 pm
  2. SoPhratSoCollege

    When I opened up TFM two minutes ago, I wasn’t expecting to get a huge boner…

    11 years ago at 5:38 pm
  3. Fraterick S Taylor

    There’s something I don’t like about her face but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Despite her only flaw, I would still like to take up residence between those cheeks.

    11 years ago at 5:43 pm