22 Ways To Know Your Alumni Haven’t Matured Since College
Being an alumnus is pretty scary. College was a ton of fun, but the real world is a place where the unsuspecting and unready get chewed up and spit back out like people do with those peanut shells at Texas-themed steakhouses. That said, returning to school is a great way to blow off some steam as a young alumnus, but it’s pretty easy to tell which alumni are reverting to their college ways and which alumni simply haven’t developed any new ways since college.
- They’re still better at beer pong than every active member of the chapter.
- One of them “accidentally” tries to take a brother’s girlfriend home.
- They still have their student ID in their wallet for cheap cover at the local bars.
- You see them at more chapter meetings than some of the less active brothers.
- Despite the fact that their college years ended before most of the current guys joined the chapter, they’ve managed to keep up with the style and culture.
- They still black out on occasion, “occasion” being defined as once a week.
- One-night stands are still a big part of their dating playbook.
- Despite growing up at the height of the “Just Say No” campaigns, they always say yes to drugs.
- You have to send a chapter risk management email to the alumni before homecoming weekend.
- They pump more money into the chapter social funds than they do into the chapter scholarship funds.
- One of them is still dating or hooking up with a current undergrad.
- They still play kings at parties after graduation.
- Hosting house parties didn’t stop when they walked at graduation.
- …and neither did convincing the cops that “it’s just a few close friends.”
- On one of the many alumni weekends, they had sex in a random but incredibly public location on campus.
- Your alumni have accidentally made Fail Friday.
- You’ve watched an actual lawyer talk his way out of being arrested for disorderly conduct after throwing his beer at a cop car.
- Previous years of alumni could have quorum for an alumni chapter meeting at your away weekends.
- One of the undergrads and one of the alumni swap dates at one of those away weekends.
- You’ve run into one of them in Cabo San Lucas, Panama City Beach, or Gulf Shores during spring break, which was cool until you realized he has a full-time job as a doctor.
- “Lots of people go to college for seven years.”
- They still contend that the best nights for your brotherhood are the nights that no one remembers until they’ve been reconstructed, “The Hangover”-style.
The alumni who don’t seem to want to grow up may be catastrophic clusterfucks for the better half of their twenties, but eventually they all get their shit together and manage to become productive, successful, gigantic clusterfucks. After all, if you don’t miss the best parts of college, did you really even go?.
10 years ago at 2:17 pmYou fucking suck.
10 years ago at 3:44 pmYou’re still here?
10 years ago at 4:00 pmNothing wrong with about half of these as long as they get their shit done during the week.
10 years ago at 3:10 pmI consider half of this list as a job well done. And I never bought into that whole “Just Say No” ideology. However I rarely if ever go back to visit, I like to accomplish these tasks with fellow post grad degenerates.
10 years ago at 8:05 pmI was definitely “spoken to” about “going too hard on pledges” before the last formal.
10 years ago at 4:07 pmYour name says it all
10 years ago at 10:47 am<img src="http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/03/Frank-Underwood-Eye-roll-GIF.gif"
10 years ago at 7:15 pmMcCoy!!
10 years ago at 5:22 pm23. When your alumni write for TFM.
10 years ago at 7:46 pmWhen you serve on the alumni board as well as serve as a Professor at the same university, and also receive a letter from the other members of the board to perhaps not haze the pledges so much, come talk to me.
10 years ago at 11:24 pmAlumni BBQ for my chapter is in a couple of weeks. Can’t wait to yell inappropriate things at 18 and 19 year old girls.
10 years ago at 8:24 pmummmm….he still pays his bar tab one dick joke at a time and calls himself a professional scientist?
10 years ago at 3:55 pmWhiskey Ginger looks like the brother who wears Birkenstocks and goes to poetry readings with his hipster classmates.
10 years ago at 1:32 pm