23 Ways To Make Mizzou Great Again


It’s been roughly two weeks since Mizzou students have returned to class, and I’ve already been forced to fire off two embarrassing articles about the state of affairs. I hate it, and things need to change so we don’t repeat last year’s abomination. Here’s to making Mizzou great again:

  1. Legalize cocaine.
  2. Get a football team that’s better at football than protesting.
  3. Bring back Maty Mauk.
  4. Create fake safe spaces. Deport every interested student to a university in northern Canada.
  5. Don’t blind and kill puppies.
  6. Offer all administrators free backbone replacement surgeries.
  7. Buy a real tiger, let it loose on campus so that every class is a nonstop thrill ride.
  8. Encourage students to STFU and go to class.
  9. Fire Melissa Click Check this one off the list.
  10. Bulldoze it. Start from scratch.
  11. Recoup lost money by selling building names as ad space. The Trojan Condoms Business School and Julio’s Thongs For Men Library would bring in massive revenue.
  12. Only admit fraternity men and sorority women.
  13. Erase all history books.
  14. Bring back Quinton’s.
  15. Tell prospective female high school students they’ll get a personal, one-on-one meeting with alums Jon Hamm and/or Brad Pitt if they enroll.
  16. Replace all gender-neutral bathroom signs with the Nick Young meme.
  17. Save protests for worthy causes.
  18. Provide campus fraternities with a peace offering of 100 cases of Natty Light and have the delivery guy say “you know what this is for,” wink, and walk away.
  19. Offer mental health counseling to fraternity men dealing with the plight of joining a frat in the 21st century.
  20. Publicly sacrifice a freshman at The Columns.
  21. Burn down Lawrence, Kansas again to reassert your dominance.
  22. Stop fucking up.
  23. Win 10 football games so that everyone forgets about everything else.
    1. TheeRockySulli

      I have a theory on this. The site has fallen off so much in popularity that they’re getting fewer and fewer stupid submission (or submissions in general, especially good ones), so much so, that they literally don’t have enough content to give us Fail Friday. Meanwhile, we’re all over here constipated as fuck because we can’t shit without it. I dare the intern to publish 5 weeks in a row to prove me wrong.

      9 years ago at 12:56 pm
      1. DangitBobby

        This is my thought too. We don’t have people submitting, even as a joke like PA guy.

        9 years ago at 8:40 pm
    2. ciruvizut

      My Lilly Esin once in a blue moon got a new choice of the crop Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Coupe by unavailable off of a laptop… flash it out…….–
      Check Out This Site ◐◐◐◐◐◐◐ http://WWW.earnmax6.Com

      9 years ago at 2:04 pm
    3. Are You Kidding Me

      Friends, it is time we realized that this in no longer a website that cares at all about the people that comment and read the articles.

      This is a t-shirt company that is looking to expand into movies etc. It was a good run for those content we enjoyed but it is time to realize it is over.

      9 years ago at 6:46 pm
    4. LillyByrne

      Here Before I saw the check which was of $9733 , I didn’t believe that…my… mother in law woz like realey bringing in money part time at their laptop.. there great aunt haz done this 4 only 22 months and resently paid for the morgage on there condo and got a great new Mercedes-Benz S-class…
      Visit this website…

      9 years ago at 1:50 pm
  1. PhiSigWVUAlumni

    West Va best that ass Saturday. Let’s go! We did it for the over represented.

    9 years ago at 10:56 am
  2. Coolnamewastaken

    Ever read student reviews of professors? The liberalism is too entrenched, it can’t be salvaged.

    9 years ago at 11:00 am
  3. ChubbsPeterson

    How is a school supposed to recover after they let Rob Fox attend and graduate?

    9 years ago at 11:12 am
  4. yacht_life

    Step 1: Bulldoze the entire campus
    Step 2: Build a publicly viewable jail cell in the middle of the newly cleared land
    Step 3: Incarcerate Hillary Clinton in said cell
    Step 4: Sit back and enjoy justice prevailing

    9 years ago at 11:37 am
    1. Gun_Slinger

      Fix national debt by charging $100 per hour to view Hillary in prison. Could raise the $19 trillion in 5 years

      9 years ago at 1:18 pm
  5. Colonel Reb forever

    Only one step is required: eliminate any SJW influence from the campus.

    Do this, and Mizzou will recover in under a year. But they won’t, and MU will pay the price.

    Liberalism = cancer

    9 years ago at 11:41 am