29 Things It’s Totally Cool To Still Make Fun Of


  1. The poor.
  2. Asians that disappoint their parents.
  3. Anyone with a peanut or shellfish allergy.
  4. Trans…fats. Together. Not individually.
  5. Gingers.
  6. Hemophiliacs at a blood bank.
  7. Someone who “forgot to take their meds this morning.”
  8. Dumbass babies that can’t even walk or talk.
  9. Short but not too, too short people.
  10. Dyslexics during an eye exam.
  11. Deaf people at music festivals.
  12. Blind people at the Grand Canyon.
  13. The colorblind with a box of crayons or at an NFL color rush game.
  14. Anyone with irritable bowl syndrome waiting on an occupied bathroom stall.
  15. Other branches of the military, but only if you’re serving our country.
  16. People who prefer strawberry jelly to grape.
  17. Dads. Especially on network TV. “Ask your mother.”
  18. Couples deciding where to eat.
  19. Women in general. Always so difficult. Am I right, guys?
  20. Female sports as long as you put no effort into the joke. See above or to your left for an example.
  21. Amputees*
  22. The elderly who are “off their rocker.”
  23. The blacks…Jack and Rebecca Black.
  24. But for real, black people at magic shows.
  25. Anyone who dies in a third world country from an easily treated condition.
  26. Anyone in a wheelchair who refuses to use ramps or declines help.
  27. Jew..elery salesmen…that happen to be Jewish.
  28. Hard work. It’s called God given talent, you heathens.
  29. Anyone less gifted or privileged than you.

*Must shoot girlfriend beforehand.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Abu the Monkey

    Ms. Cole is the strictest art teacher Jaye has ever had, so she’s extra nervous to hand in her exam a week late. Ms. Cole refuses to grade the exam until Jaye says she’ll do anything. As luck would have it Ms. Cole needs a nude model for her next class! Jaye isn’t sure at first, but when Ms. Cole instructs her to get naked her pussy gets wet. Ms. Cole tells Jaye to stay perfectly still while she pays with her teen body, even as the next class files in for their lesson. Turns out this art teacher is a horny lesbian with a thing for shy students!

    8 years ago at 1:34 pm
    1. Dickson

      I had a teacher named Ms Cole in highschool….. But what exactly are you trying to say here

      8 years ago at 2:27 pm
  2. Cuntpunting

    Wait. Are you saying I must shoot my girlfriend before I make fun of amputees? Or can we only make fun of amputees who shot their girlfriend? Pretty ambiguous instructions right there.

    8 years ago at 1:35 pm
  3. David Brokowitz

    Bald people. Bald people who try to hide the fact that they’re bald. Bald people who get medical procedures to fix their baldness. Sucks to be bald.

    8 years ago at 1:42 pm