29 Things It’s Totally Cool To Still Make Fun Of
- The poor.
- Asians that disappoint their parents.
- Anyone with a peanut or shellfish allergy.
- Trans…fats. Together. Not individually.
- Gingers.
- Hemophiliacs at a blood bank.
- Someone who “forgot to take their meds this morning.”
- Dumbass babies that can’t even walk or talk.
- Short but not too, too short people.
- Dyslexics during an eye exam.
- Deaf people at music festivals.
- Blind people at the Grand Canyon.
- The colorblind with a box of crayons or at an NFL color rush game.
- Anyone with irritable bowl syndrome waiting on an occupied bathroom stall.
- Other branches of the military, but only if you’re serving our country.
- People who prefer strawberry jelly to grape.
- Dads. Especially on network TV. “Ask your mother.”
- Couples deciding where to eat.
- Women in general. Always so difficult. Am I right, guys?
- Female sports as long as you put no effort into the joke. See above or to your left for an example.
- Amputees*
- The elderly who are “off their rocker.”
- The blacks…Jack and Rebecca Black.
- But for real, black people at magic shows.
- Anyone who dies in a third world country from an easily treated condition.
- Anyone in a wheelchair who refuses to use ramps or declines help.
- Jew..elery salesmen…that happen to be Jewish.
- Hard work. It’s called God given talent, you heathens.
- Anyone less gifted or privileged than you..
*Must shoot girlfriend beforehand.
Image via Shutterstock
Coincidence you left off fat people?…
8 years ago at 1:51 pmI think not
Go ahead and lap me but having a serious shellfish allergy is no joke
8 years ago at 1:59 pmNeed a safe space?
8 years ago at 2:06 pmPussy ass liberal bitch.
8 years ago at 6:14 pmTry a little less bud
8 years ago at 10:15 am30) this try-hard list
8 years ago at 2:02 pmThis is probably the worst thing I’ve read on here…..and that’s saying a lot
8 years ago at 2:31 pmI expect this from Wally but really Regs?
8 years ago at 2:34 pmI make almost the same comment but mine gets down votes… How
8 years ago at 6:04 pmBecause you’re a chode and no one likes you
8 years ago at 6:38 pmWriting this from the toilet beacuse this list has triggered my IBS.
8 years ago at 3:19 pm29 gives me permission to make fun of almost anyone. I better not get blackballed for racist or homophobic comments since I’ve been given permission.
8 years ago at 6:12 pmNah you can make fun of us, we really don’t give a fuck. -the Jews
8 years ago at 7:12 am6 million of your people died and that is the butt of our jokes Hahahaha
8 years ago at 7:45 amI don’t know if 19 includes feminism but it should be making a push for the top 5 if so.
8 years ago at 7:21 pm