31 Signs You’re Taking A Victory Lap

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The victory lap is a respected institution in which many a fraternity man indulges. Sometimes you just need an extra year or three to get everything you need out of your education. But as you go along, you’ll probably begin to notice some things have changed slightly.

  1. Your professor asks you if you’re in the wrong class when you show up for midterms.
  2. You use your last month’s bar tabs as evidence of financial hardship in your request for reduced house rent.
  3. Your appearance on the intramural field is directly correlated to what that night’s happy hour specials are.
  4. You already own most of the required textbooks, because your schedule is mostly made up of courses you’ve dropped over the years.
  5. You know the names of maybe half the guys in your chapter.
  6. No one understands your movie references.
  7. The officers have politely requested that you stop coming to pledging events.
  8. There are multiple things that your fraternity refers to as “pulling a [your name].”
  9. You frequently forget what your major is.
  10. Most of your stories are about things that happened to guys who already graduated.
  11. Your timeline is more full of wedding pictures and other people’s job offers than it is of college parties.
  12. You can’t go on spring break because you’re already banned from most of the good bars in the town everyone’s going to.
  13. A lot of the current pledges think you’re a faculty sponsor.
  14. Someone says, “Oh, I thought you were in grad school this whole time” to you at least once a week.
  15. You never pay for booze, because you’re the one all the underage guys come to for alcohol.
  16. You actually have to get a job for the first time.
  17. You have six different explanations for why you’re still in school, and none of them are “I fucked around too much,” which is the actual reason.
  18. Professors don’t expect anything from you because you’ve conditioned them not to.
  19. Freshman girls are the only females available to you, because everyone else has either slept with you already or knows someone who has.
  20. You have advice for underclassmen of every major, because you’ve spent time in pretty much every department.
  21. You don’t get involved in any house rivalries because it’s boring and you’ve seen it all before.
  22. Sorority pledges are warned about you.
  23. Everyone wants to hear your stories, but no one wants to hear your advice.
  24. You actually don’t understand a lot of the slang words people are using.
  25. Your younger friends use you as an example when they explain to their parents why their school performance actually isn’t that bad.
  26. Watching freshmen behave makes you realize how truly idiotic you were back then.
  27. All of your bartenders know your class schedule.
  28. Your parents only update people about what you’re up to if they’re directly asked.
  29. The cops ask for you when they show up to the house for noise complaints.
  30. The treasurer doesn’t even bother asking you for your dues.
  31. You regret every day that you can’t start over as a freshman with all the knowledge you have now.
  1. ZeteNJ

    I did a Victory Lap. My school built it in so that without summer classes, you couldn’t graduate in 4 years. I never took summer classes. I would need an extra semester, but my father said, fuck it, pick up a minor, take a full year. It was great time. Five years isn’t a long time at all. Six is though.

    10 years ago at 10:50 am
    1. VandyLaw

      Your post is DRIPPING with complete bullshit, insecurity, faux-coy bragging and too many fucking commas. A school “built” to take more than 4 years? LOL what are you talking about. You’re from Jersey. You prob went to the gutter called Rutgers. Rutgers has a 57% 4-year grad rate, not because of “design” but because it’s full of idiots taking remedial courses, who don’t know how to “do” college. But uh props to your super rich and chill dad who threw you an extra semester of public school tuition. Only one problem: if you were actually rich, he wouldn’t have sent his son to a non-peer commode

      10 years ago at 4:25 pm
      1. VandyLaw

        still a non peer school. 50% of your peers manage to graduate in 4 years. so much for that “design” bro. by “design” I’m sure you meant they let in too many slackers who lack the aptitude and discipline for university. 5th year = loss in 1 yr income, being creepy old guy, extra semester or two of tuition, all your friends walking in May of graduation year and your old ass walking in december or the next may. struggle life

        10 years ago at 7:39 am
      2. Capitalist_Gentleman

        Zete, Vandy Law does not understand the real purpose of college.
        I bet when he is a lawyer judges are going to deny his motions out of spite.

        10 years ago at 9:11 am
      3. thebetterman

        I don’t know which circumstance would be more pathetic: if you knew those statistics off the top of your head, or you took time out of your miserable existance to look it up.

        10 years ago at 1:59 am
  2. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

    Sounds pretty much like the 7th year senior in my house. Except I think at this point it’s more of a “why the fuck are you still here” lap

    10 years ago at 10:52 am

    32. Four years of liberal substance abuse and poor dietary choices have yielded the perfect dad bod. And now for your victory lap, the ladies can’t resist you.

    10 years ago at 11:00 am
    1. VandyLaw

      Says 23-y.o. slacker who needs pledges to bring naive freshman to parties because every sorority on campus thinks you’re creepy and gross

      10 years ago at 2:01 pm

        Says the guy who’s comment history is a graveyard of downvoted try-hard douchiness. No one likes you here. Just quit.

        10 years ago at 2:17 pm
  4. VandyLaw

    Fifth year deadbeats only happen at shitty public colleges. Unless you’re bio/chem and 100% on track for medical school, there’s ZERO justification to take more than four year to get a BA. Most programs – marketing, communication and political science – can be banged out in three with ease. Five years means you didn’t bring in any APs and you’re dicked around. In short, terminally unmotivated idiot. You’re right, no girl should sleep with you because you’re a loser.

    10 years ago at 11:01 am
      1. VandyLaw

        That joke was a hit when it was fresh … in like 2006. You dated lexicon, washed up fuck

        10 years ago at 11:18 am
      2. RisingFratstarOfTX

        I hear there are some kids in Africa the could use you for missionary work. Why don’t you stay there a few years you try hard dipshit.

        10 years ago at 4:55 pm
    1. DarrensDad

      Have fun with that law degree, champ. Hopefully the job market doesn’t fuck you too hard.

      10 years ago at 11:48 am
    2. Capt. Ron

      Someone has a case of the Mondays. Does the law at Vandy require there students to be insufferable tool-bags? Don’t answer that, champ. Rhetorical question.

      10 years ago at 1:49 pm
    3. thebetterman

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person get down voted over 200 times. Congrats, man. This should be the proudest moment for your parents since the day they realized they raised a massive tool.

      10 years ago at 2:02 am
  5. Tau Beta

    I’ve been regretting every day I can’t start over freshman year since the end of freshman year.

    10 years ago at 12:10 pm
  6. Capitalist_Gentleman

    Sterling Cooper, awhile back you wrote those two outstanding pieces, “America is the Step Dad of the World”, and ” How to Live”. You gained my respect from those two articles. Now you are Googling stupid lists and reprinting them just like those skirts at TSM and SFPL. This shit is beneath you. Stick to Masterpieces.

    10 years ago at 1:29 pm
  7. House of Tards

    As a fifth year you still believe your golf game has higher earning potential than graduating with a degree.

    9 years ago at 10:22 pm