32 Signs You Went to School in the South

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Image via Natalie Kim Gameday

  1. You know at least a few people who have gone to Walmart to see the national championship trophy.
  2. You think liberals aren’t real people.
  3. Some of your friends have tried to make moonshine.
  4. They’re blind now.
  5. The NFL doesn’t really matter. It’s just a way to pass time until the next college game.
  6. During rivalry week, fans will sit on opposite sides of the aisle at church.
  7. You may have eaten something that you ran over.
  8. Sweet tea isn’t just a drink. It’s a way of life.
  9. You think people who drink unsweet tea are Communists.
  10. All of your food is fried.
  11. “Y’all” is a main staple of your vocabulary.
  12. You’ve learned the importance of “yes, ma’am” and “no, ma’am.”
  13. The real Mason-Dixon Line cuts off at Tennessee (sorry, Kentucky).
  14. Snow and ice are foreign concepts to you.
  15. You’re not really sure what hockey is.
  16. Your seasons are: Cool Summer, it’s going to rain every day and be muggy–is this hell?, and oh look, the trees are turning colors but it’s still hot.
  17. You get two other seasons, though, too: deer season and duck season.
  18. You start to sweat just by sitting outside.
  19. Your gun might be more important to you than your car.
  20. You’re probably a Braves fan.
  21. Even if you don’t go to an SEC school, everyone picks at least one to like.
  22. You get really serious about NASCAR.
  23. No matter where you are, you’re going to hear somebody yell, “Roll Tide.”
  24. You’ve got a Confederate flag hanging next to your American flag.
  25. You’re slightly serious when you say, “The South will rise again.”
  26. You know a lot of people who grew up on farms.
  27. You see at least one person in a hammock every day of the year.
  28. You wonder why people think Chacos are a good idea.
  29. You could go to the beach every week if you wanted to.
  30. The same thing goes for taking trips to New Orleans.
  31. April means it’s time for crawfish boils.
  32. Your football team lost 23 games in a row. (No? Just mine?)
    1. rocky of brohio

      dudes a dumbass. kentucky isnt south because its touching ohio? thats applying about as much sense as having class on fridays

      11 years ago at 7:23 pm
    2. MakersWithASplash

      Subtract a couple items from this wonderful list and you have yourself a TSM column.

      11 years ago at 5:37 pm
  1. FrattyLarue

    This guy looks like a fucking goober. Its called the Battle Flag of Virginia by the way.

    11 years ago at 12:14 pm
  2. SirwilliamthaV

    This column is so bad I think you stole your material from Jeff Foxworthy.

    11 years ago at 1:08 pm
  3. SirwilliamthaV

    Chacos? Have you been to an SEC fraternity house school during the summer?

    11 years ago at 1:09 pm
  4. FapFapFap

    Who’s is this guy?
    Take that UK hat off son and learn some damn respect for the state your living in.

    11 years ago at 1:15 pm