378 Person Pay-It-Forward Chain At Starbucks Broken By Awesome Jerk

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I respect the guy who knowingly broke the 378-person pay-it-forward chain at Starbucks, and so should you.

A St. Petersburg Starbucks made the news because of the pure generosity of one single person: whomever decided that he or she would not only purchase their own order at the drive-thru window, but also the order of the next vehicle in line, assumedly a complete stranger. So kind. But think about the person who just had their drink purchased for them. They had a decision to make. Did they move along through the line and enjoy the five dollars saved, or did they succumb to the burden of enjoying a free latte and not carrying on the train of generosity?

This person caved, and he or she bought the drink of the next vehicle in line. So did the next 376 people. They were all basically guilted into paying it forward.

“Your drink has been paid for by the vehicle in front of you.”

“No shit?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Fuck yes!”

“Would you like to purchase the order for the car behind you?”

“Fuck. Uh, yeah. That’s fine.”

Peter Schorsch, a local blogger, was having none of that. He killed the pay-it-forward chain, then he wrote about it.

From the Tampa Bay Times:

What is not an act of kindness is what was happening today at the same Starbucks, where customers were being told that they had had their drink paid for and then asked would they like to pay for the drink of the person next in line.

That’s not generosity, that’s guilt.

When a new ‘Pay It Forward’ chain started today, I had to put an end to it.

So, yes, I drove to the Starbucks, purchased two Venti Mocha Frappuccinos and, even though someone in front of me had paid for one of my drinks, I declined the barista’s suggestion to pay for the drink of the person behind me.

Is he a jerk? Yeah, but he’s an awesome one.

[via Tampa Bay Times]

  1. RonPaul_fratstar

    Buying a soldier a beer is a respectable way of “paying it forward” not being shamed into buying someone’s coffee

    10 years ago at 4:22 pm
  2. Fratmiral Nelson

    If there’s one class of people that need the generosity of strangers the least, it’s the people who use the Starbucks drive-thru.

    10 years ago at 4:24 pm
  3. DarkoM

    When I pay it forward I give specific instructions to the barista douche that the next person isn’t to be guilt tripped into keeping some stupid chain going. I usually pay it forward to the person behind me if they’re in a Tahoe that’s older than 3 years. Helping out poor people one espresso macchiato at a time.

    10 years ago at 4:26 pm
  4. Blow J Simpson

    Any man who drinks these pissy drinks whose name sounds like a final question of a spelling bee, deserves a nice RKO on the spot.

    10 years ago at 4:50 pm
      1. RisingFratstarOfTX

        Noticing how he felt the need to flap his arms down to his sides unnecessarily made me chuckle

        10 years ago at 5:01 pm
      2. PhiPsiPhrat

        Back in my day, that was called the Stone Cold Stunner or the Diamond Cutter.

        10 years ago at 8:34 am
  5. GBolly

    Now I don’t really care for this whole “pay it forward”/let’s fuck a unicorn on a rainbow because we’re open-minded type stuff. If I wanna buy someone a drink, lingerie, a suicide starter kit, what have you, I’ll do it because I want to and not because I think I’ll receive good karma or whatever Gandhi died for….

    With that being said, turns out this guy who broke the chain is some liberal hard on from Florida. So what’s more likely to have happened is that he heard about this, wanted a free latte, and rather than seem like a cheap fuck, went on some moral high ground tirade about not being guilted into buying a drink for someone else…..fuck that guy

    10 years ago at 5:02 pm
    1. Pokey

      Peter was on the right side of both the economic and moral argument. Your either butthurt because Dorn payed you a visit last night or because TFM doesn’t offer enough empathy for you (you can go to TSM for that).

      10 years ago at 2:13 am
  6. JohnnyO

    You guys didn’t mention the most awesome part, he gave the barista a $100 tip instead.

    10 years ago at 8:46 am