5 People Who Make You Skip Class

Even though college costs money and an education is a terrible thing to waste, there are times when class is the last place you want to be. It could be because your head feels like you decided to run face-first into a brick wall after a long, blurry night out with your pledge brothers. It might be for a semi-legitimate reason, like you have a test in another class and need to study for that. Or, it could just be that there are people in some of your classes that you wouldn’t mind seeing get hit by a fucking truck. Yes, there will always be THOSE people who make going to class even more unbearable than it should be. Here are some of the cream of the crop from the bottom of the barrel.

The Over-Opinionated Liberal

For some reason this person feels like it is their civic duty to inform the class every day about their newfound “progressivism.” Unfortunately for you, what they think is progressivism is really straight-from-the-manifesto Marxism. You see, somewhere between their high school graduation trip where they “lived” in Europe for five days and their second semester political theory class, this person became extremely cultured. Like, wayyyyyy more cultured than you can imagine. They’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe (unless you’ve watched National Lampoon’s European Vacation, then you’ve probably seen most of it too). Once again, unfortunately for you, the over-opinionated liberal will often sense you aren’t a believer. They know about your unsustainability and your elitist ways. They can tell because you dress like you care about your appearance. Grooming above and beyond the efforts of a homeless man is a mortal sin in their eyes. “Soap? Pssh, how bourgeois. Something something Darfur.”

The Persistent Question Asker

Everyone truly HATES this person. Apparently they are incapable of finding information on their own time, which is evident from the fact that they ask the professor 25 questions during every lecture. However, there are two sides to this coin. The persistent question asker can be one of two people who keep you from going to class: a savant or an idiot. Half of these over-zealous hand raisers are the people who keep you from leaving class early. Somehow, everyone but these motherfuckers understand that when the professor says, “If no one has any questions, we can go ahead and stop” you don’t fucking ask any questions. These assholes are especially infuriating when they ask questions about material that hasn’t even been covered yet. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” you might ask yourself, but don’t bother. They’ve already asked enough questions for the both of you. The other side of the coin is the complete idiot who decided to leave their brain in the dorm before they long-boarded to class. Is there an echo in the lecture hall? Nope, the professor is just repeating themselves word-for-word because this kid can’t read the 20 ft x 20 ft slides being projected right in front of his fucking face. How these people got into college is beyond me, but you certainly won’t see them make it past gen-eds. Those are the weed-out classes for people who are more suited for operating deep-fryers than calculators.

The Kid You Should Be Rushing

Even though rush is a 24/7 job, that only really applies to the rush chair. Personally, my favorite way to rush a kid is by completely ignoring him at a party and getting belligerently drunk. If he isn’t intrigued, then he doesn’t deserve to be my brother. However, if you are dealing with a pretty large class of freshman, chances are some of these guys are going to end up having to rush in the spring. And if you’re unlucky and have class with one of these GDIs, the recruitment chair is going to count on you to keep that kid interested until then. This sucks balls because this kid isn’t even a pledge, so you don’t get the benefits of having him take notes for you or turning in a paper when you don’t feel like waking up. And you actually have to talk to the fucker like he’s a normal person. Forcing conversation is just below a face punch wakeup call on my list of things I want no part of. Needless to say this task will probably be met with about as much enthusiasm as earning a summer internship circumcising Filipinos with Tim Tebow.

“What’s up bro?” Guy

Remember the first day you sat down in class, and the guy next to you introduced himself? Foolishly you took this as a nice gesture, and you returned his greeting. Then the nightmare began. This apparently friendless kid sought you out for the next 15 weeks just to sit down next to you every day and give you a cringe inducing “what’s up bro?” EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. At first it might seem normal, but then after a week or two, he will become comfortable sitting next to you. That’s when shit gets weird. He will tell you about his roommate. He will tell you about how he went “so hard” at the club the other night, and he will probably tell you about his bowel movements if you give him the time of day. He thinks he’s your friend, and he wants to share his world with you. All the while, you only manage to get in an “Oh, really?” before he starts back up with his banter that no one in the world could possibly care about. Pray this class doesn’t involve group projects, because he WILL attempt to partner up with you, and if he’s successful, he WILL ask for your phone number. Please go outside and make some real friends, because your lack of vagina makes me give zero fucks about you.

The Professor

The professor at least has a valid excuse to make you hate everything about attending a class. He’s a professor, if the class sucks, it SHOULD be his fault. Is it possible to apply a liberal bias to a calculus lecture? I don’t know, but I’ve had professors who would certainly try. Sometimes you’ll walk into class and think the teacher looks pretty normal, until you find out that English is their fourth language. It’s impossible to tell what country they’re from because either A) They can’t pronounce it in English, or B) a steady flow of regime changes have renamed the country 5 times in the last 18 months. But hyper-liberalism and strange accents aside, the hands down worst teachers are the ones who decide to bring you into their home lives any chance they get. This would be completely fine if they were normal people. But no, they have 15 cats, an obsession with Harry Potter, and they can’t wait to tell you about the awful book they’re writing. “Yes professor, your book sounds really interesting, I swear…I think some of your cats are gang raping the weak one…oh that’s just how they show dominance? Never mind then.” Have fun looking at the Kitty Costume Halloween slide-show, I’ll be keeping my ass in bed instead of going to that class 9 times out of 10.

  1. Alpha Frat

    I fucking hate teachers that have a noticeable liberal bias and/or don’t speak fluent english, but the person who makes me skip class is the brother who convinces me to drink with him.

    13 years ago at 9:35 pm
  2. WarDamnMerica

    what about your drunk pledge brother who convinces you to skip and start drinking at 10 am?

    13 years ago at 9:52 pm
    1. LeFrat_James

      Pledge brother? Are you a fucking pledge? If not, it’s your fraternity brother

      13 years ago at 1:23 am
      1. IAmJustANewBoy

        At Alabama we call the people in our pledge class pledge brothers even after pledgeship.

        10 years ago at 4:05 pm
    1. Brobert F Kennedy

      It’s spelled Burgess. This is America; we speak American English. Burgess, FAF.

      The use of French terms by Marxists to sound sophisticated is laughable.

      13 years ago at 12:31 am
  3. Fratman and Robin

    The uber cultured hyper liberal is the worst. I’m pretty much a moderate and I put the kibosh on the cousin humping racists who speak up in class, but fuck me. That liberal whose heart is bleeding all over her desk makes me want to choke a burn victim. This is the person that is willing to bring down the establishment over stepping on the toes of a few. I wish these kinds of people would realize that the system does no one any good if you fucking destroy it. My ethics are fairly teleological. Absolutists piss me off.

    13 years ago at 10:16 pm
    1. Fratman and Robin

      I’m a homo? For making intelligent decisions based upon the information available to me at that point in time? Laps brother. Laps.

      13 years ago at 11:20 pm
  4. Wilco Frat

    Having a teacher with any strong bias is annoying. Liberals tend to be more obnoxious, but some extreme conservative rambling on about Reagan for an hour and a half every single class isn’t going to help me learn political theory; sure, it will give me a great portion of knowledge, but doesn’t cover the material needed to pass the class. Adding in your own opinion as a teacher is fine (since your job is to broaden the minds of those whom you instruct), but there is such thing as too much. Sometimes, they just need to shut the fuck up and teach.

    13 years ago at 10:19 pm
    1. Wilco Frat

      I’m not disputing the fact that Reagan was awesome; I’m merely stating that in order to learn political theory, one cannot be taught much by someone who only rambles on about his own personal feelings towards one single President. Even if that President was great, that’s fucking stupid.

      13 years ago at 2:08 am
    2. Fratman and Robin

      I agree. Sadly, most of my professors err on the side of the left so I don’t get much in the way of the “right” opinion.

      13 years ago at 11:22 pm
  5. StoneColdSouthern

    You forgot the 40 year old who went back to school! There’s always at least one in every lecture, and they somehow think that they are an expert on everything ever and know more than the prof. “Well, in my experience…” or, “As a mother….”

    13 years ago at 10:41 pm
    1. Osama is Dead

      Thank you. I fucking hate that person. I’ve dealt with about 1 per semester and I hate it.

      13 years ago at 10:55 pm
  6. FratopianWetDream

    I’m sorry but I’m way too drunk to read this column. I’ll read it tomorrow morning if I don’t continue drinking.

    13 years ago at 3:31 am
  7. pikappalphaforinia

    You’re the only fucker who causes yourself to miss a class.GDI’s leave the room when I’m there. FaF.

    13 years ago at 3:55 am
    1. ClaytonBigsby

      They probably don’t want to sit through another lesson where you’re unable to keep up and with the lecture and slow the class down by asking the most pointless questions.

      13 years ago at 12:34 pm
    2. TheCommodore

      You’re a Pike from California. That’s as bad as it gets unless you also attend LA Community College. Go smoke weed you filthy liberal.

      13 years ago at 8:42 pm
  8. PhiHard

    I thought this would be a list of the idiots in my house who catch me on my way out the door with a beer and convince me to say fuck the class, not a stupid list of GDIs that you let get to you in class.

    13 years ago at 1:02 pm