5 Reasons Why You’re Having A Bad Time In College
Recently, I published this article on why graduate school is a good option for graduating seniors who’d rather crack open a warm one with Danielle Bregoli than face the real world. In the comments, there was a young lad who stated the following:
“I don’t know about you guys but I can’t wait to fucking graduate. These past couple of years have been the shittiest years of my life”
This quickly became the most downvoted comment, as it blatantly opposed everything that TFM and its followers stand for. College is a four-year celebration of youth; a time to grow as a human being in a cushioned bubble of community, scholarship and almost zero accountability for your terrible, terrible decisions. But the fact remains that having a bad time in college is a serious epidemic that affects a portion of every student body across the nation. So instead of a heavy-handed lecture about why you shouldn’t be a buzzkill crybaby asshole, here are five possible reasons you aren’t enjoying your college experience to its full potential so you can try to correct your situation.
1. You Aren’t Getting Out There
Just like most of your 8 a.m. classes, simply showing up is 75% of the battle. No memorable story ever started, “So there I was on a Friday night, 4 seasons into watching The Wire for the sixth time…” Even in the smallest of college towns, there is always something to get into. If there truly isn’t, make it happen yourself. Like Ghandi said, “Be the party you want to see.” The bigger the university, the smaller your list of valid excuses. I’m telling you right now: you will never ever look back on your collegiate days and think, “I wish I would have spent more time playing Call of Duty with my random roommate.”
2. You’re Square Pegging
Start with an honest assessment of yourself and your “lane.” Don’t rush a fraternity you know you don’t belong in just because they hold some kind of campus prestige or because it was your dad’s chapter. Don’t join student council if you think student council is a bunch of dicks pretending to be politicians. I know college is a time to reinvent yourself, but not if that means jamming yourself into a group you hate with people you loathe. Find a place in the ecosystem to carve out as your own. Try a little bit of everything and then do the things that make you happy with the people that make every exam worth surviving.
3. You’re Lone Wolfing
No man is an island. The best memories you make will always be tied to the people you make them with. College is a self-graded, 4-year group project. Why would you want to spend it with a shitty group or no group at all? For some, being “the loner” worked in high school. This isn’t high school; no one forced you to come here (unless you have crazy helicopter parents). No matter your personality type, interests, quirks, hobbies, etc., I guarantee there are at least two other guys or gals that you can band together with at school. Getting so drunk that you shit your pants is made better when there is someone there to take pictures and monitor your breathing. Even if binge drinking and ragers aren’t your thing, there is probably a rousing game of D&D being played just down the street from you right now in desperate need of one more badass mage. Do what gets your dick hard. Just don’t do it alone.
4. You’re Butthurt
You had a vivid picture of what college was supposed to be like. Then something happened that didn’t fit into that neatly constructed box. You didn’t get into the frat you wanted. You failed a terrible course and had to retake it. Your girlfriend of 2 years dumped you (good fucking riddance). Suddenly, your idea of the perfect college experience has been utterly shit upon. Now you are spending days, weeks, months (heaven forbid) in your room wallowing and listening to Taylor Swift’s “1989” on repeat. Nothing could possibly be a bigger waste of time. The faster you’re able to get over disappointment, the more time you will spend suckling sweet, sweet milk from the teet of youth and young manhood.
5. You’re A Tryhard
We don’t talk about it much, but there is a lot going on in your life. Though scholarship can often take a back seat to the pursuit of a good time, it’s always there. It isn’t always easy to strike the balance between the two while juggling a social life, a job, athletics, and everything else that come with the college experience. It can be incredibly stressful, and for some people, the stress of these competing forces can be overwhelming. The pressure to perform at the highest levels while partying excessively can lead to anxiety, burn-out, sleep-deprivation, and, worst of all, FOMO.
The solution? Just relax. I know it sounds too simple, but take some time to enjoy the here and now. Maybe you miss a party to catch up on some sleep. Maybe you skip some extra studying to make poor life choices. Whatever you do, make sure to graduate with some sort of a degree and an entire album of photos you wish didn’t exist..
First rule of college: don’t be a fuck. This goes doubly for rush.
8 years ago at 2:41 pmTake your own advice you fuck
8 years ago at 3:45 pmHAHA am I right?
8 years ago at 4:47 pmHonestly this probably is my favorite tfm article, as long as you’re not a boner college will be the shit for you
8 years ago at 3:18 pmIm a boner and I still like college
8 years ago at 9:05 pmYou again?
8 years ago at 9:32 pmMy dicks wet
8 years ago at 9:47 pmNevermind
8 years ago at 8:22 amI quit working at shoprite and now I make $35h – $80h…how? I’m working online! My work didn’t exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new…after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier.
•••••••••••••••• http://cutt.us/smart/
8 years ago at 4:51 amRight in time
8 years ago at 8:09 amShow us your tits
8 years ago at 8:21 amReally excellent article. Just one more tip for the viewers: don’t get too involved with drama. Takes up too much time and isn’t worth the stress.
8 years ago at 3:29 pmnot necessarily. It all depends on your dedication and time management. I have a couple brothers who are involved in a couple plays a year and manage to hold positions while not over extending themselves. Whatever your passionate about you should go for
8 years ago at 6:21 pmYou shouldn’t even joke about being involved with theater or arts of any kind. For God’s sake man have a little decency.
8 years ago at 6:28 pmCan’t tell if you’re joking or not… but I was referring to drama as in group conflicts and gossip
8 years ago at 7:23 pm6. Don’t take TFM advice too seriously.
8 years ago at 4:18 pmBut in all seriousness, I think you got all bases covered with this one, solid read.
This was really thoughtful in a young manly type of way. Definitely keep submitting content.
8 years ago at 4:34 pmlol can’t believe you made an article out of a comment I wrote. College is not for everyone and that’s OK, I couldn’t care less about parties, girls or any of that other stupid shit you guys worry 24/7 about. I’m here because I’m supposed to be here and as soon as I graduate i’m getting the fuck out of here don’t see how that’s a bad thing.
8 years ago at 4:56 pmMaybe TFM isn’t the best website for you
8 years ago at 4:59 pmYou sound like a generally unhappy person. Try to enjoy life a little bit, man. You only get one and it’s not very long.
8 years ago at 5:00 pmPlenty happy don’t see how you jumped to that conclusion. Just because I don’t care about parties doesn’t mean that I’m not enjoying life.
8 years ago at 5:12 pmhe “jumped” to that conclusion because your name is “fuck this shit” and you sound like a whiny little B
8 years ago at 8:26 amThat’s good thinking. Just remember, life only gets better after college
8 years ago at 5:10 pmobviously, I don’t plan on peaking in college like you guys
8 years ago at 5:55 pmYou’re right, you peaked in highschool
8 years ago at 4:03 amUsername checks out
8 years ago at 5:47 pmThe only place youre “supposed” to be is on this earth.. You can still enjoy college even if youre not into the parties and shit.. Like Pablo said, enjoy life a bit bro
8 years ago at 5:50 pmonce again I don’t give a rats ass about college or enjoying its a means to an end.
8 years ago at 5:58 pmDo you plan to enjoy your job after college? I’ve heard that working isn’t much fun.
8 years ago at 7:08 pmThat’s why I took six years and plan to go to law school later on with some dough in my bank account
8 years ago at 8:27 amYou can’t even write a cohesive sentence. My guess is that you’re either at a community college or a shitty regional college where social life is subpar to high school parties
8 years ago at 8:54 pmI’m talking to a bunch of delinquents grammar isn’t exactly something I’m worried about. Again with the social life lol, it’s pathetic how important something has insignificant as going to parties is to you. I actually feel sad for you man
8 years ago at 9:20 pmI think I speak for everyone here when I say, I have a 3.7 and an athletic record. Haven’t had a single beer or drink of any kind since February or before. I read War and Peace while creating a plan to make a 10% return in a diversified asset portfolio, which I can use to help anyone I feel like. Yeah, I’m a real delinquent.
8 years ago at 8:33 amHow could you speak for everyone with that incredibly specific list
8 years ago at 9:17 amI think what he’s getting at is that most of the people on this website aren’t complete idiots – many of us have high GPAs and actually care about our future
8 years ago at 10:38 amClaiming to speak for everyone so you can talk about yourself. TFM.
8 years ago at 10:07 amEven if you have no intention of partying (totally fine) or devoting a lot of time/energy to friends, you’re going to have to have social interactions for the rest of your life. Seems like you’re hell bent on getting past college and into professional life, but even then it’s gonna be awfully hard to succeed anywhere if you’re this much of a buzzkill in real life.
8 years ago at 9:24 amAside from you guys nobody in their right minds would want to stay in college any longer than necessary. lol you think being social is what makes you successful in life? You’re going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening.
8 years ago at 7:24 pmThat’s not what he said at all you fucking fool.
8 years ago at 9:57 pmYour username speaks for the type of college kid you probably are, #4
8 years ago at 9:08 pmand “BuschelattesFTW” is any better? At least I don’t spend my time drinking shit beer and oogling at some sorostitute
8 years ago at 9:23 pmOr you can peak in every chapter of life
8 years ago at 9:34 pm“Social life” doesn’t only apply to parties. Social life means anything you do socially, which is obviously a foreign subject to you so I can’t blame you for your ignorance. You’re the only one in this thread talking about partying. I’m an engineer, do you really think I spend all my time trying to get hammered?
8 years ago at 9:52 pmSomeone else actually mentioned partying so you’re wrong there. I know what social life means dickwad I just don’t think it’s as important as you morons make it out to be.
8 years ago at 10:04 pmWhy are you still here? Who gives a fuck what you think either?
8 years ago at 10:25 pmHaving social interactions with people is both healthy, and part of him nature, as well as the nature of numerous animals. It’s definitely a good thing in life to have a social group. Whether it’s 5 people playing basketball, or golf, or cooking, or video games it doesn’t matter. Be happy with other people.
8 years ago at 7:04 amJust make peace with who you are. I don’t hit it as long as DJ, don’t putt as well as Jordan or chip as well as Zach, I’m kind of a narcissist with a bad habit or two. I live in my own little world often completely oblivious to the plight of those around me, but I’m happy. Just show compassion to those around you (don’t force it or go out of your way) and you’ll receive it back.
8 years ago at 8:40 amClassic geed talk right here, go rush and make something of college son, have a bit of fun.
8 years ago at 11:58 pmin a fraternity already probably the biggest mistake i’ve ever made in my life.
8 years ago at 1:34 amSo leave. Or get a counselor. Most schools will work with you if you’re in a situation where things aren’t working the way you need them to.
8 years ago at 8:36 amWhy the fuck are you even on TFM or a fraternity or even college then? Fucking leave if you hate it so much or even better find out what you fucking like and go do that. Life is what you make it and so far you’re making life a piece of shit because you’re crying on TFM instead of actually fucking doing something. You’re the worst kind of person.
8 years ago at 4:02 amGreat article. can you teach Wally how to write?? Or at least become a regular contributor
8 years ago at 5:47 pmI’d say another quality reason your college life sucks is because you’re with the wrong girl or dating the girl from high school. A girl can seriously fuck the experience up because hell, girls are half the fun.
8 years ago at 12:01 amCan attest to this. My manipulative bitch of a girlfriend wanted to date during my first semester even though we were at different schools (should have told her to fuck right off) and I missed out on all that first semester freshman poondogging that was the whole reason I went to college in the first place.
8 years ago at 8:24 am*You went to college in the UK thinking it was a great opportunity only to find out that its mind numbingly boring
8 years ago at 5:27 amOr you just went to a college you were a really bad fit for, that happens.
I wish someone would write something like this for life after college since we have so many people bitching.
8 years ago at 11:08 am