6-Year-Old Boy Receives A New Arm Courtesy Of A Group Of College Engineers

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If you’re like me, you use both of your hands quite frequently. Whether you use them for masturbating with the butter churn grip, for over-exaggerating how big the minnow you caught was, or for trying to keep track of how many women you slept with last night, hands are essential tools for the fraternity man. I love my hands emotionally, and they love me sexually. It’s a symbiotic relationship.

Hands aren’t just for fratting, though. A group of college students at the University of Central Florida, led by student Albert Moreno, know how much easier hands make life in general. Because of this, the group set off to help out 6-year-old Alex Pring, who was born with only half of his right arm.

From Fox 29 News Philadelphia:

Alex’s mom was looking for someone she could get help from for her son, and Albert was looking for someone he could give help to, with all the amazing things he’s learned in school.

Albert Moreno created the team, at UCF, that created the arm.

It works with electrodes attached to his bicep.

When he flexes, his hand clinches.

Alex took to it quickly.

And after just a few fittings, he can throw a ball with the hand, and also write like any other kid.

The students gave the bionic arm to a very gracious Alex, free of charge. That sure blows our spring semester philanthropy, “Houses for Claustrophobes,” out of the water. It was a good idea in theory, but we didn’t realize the houses we bought for the claustrophobes were so small. Freaked those weirdos the fuck out. I’m pretty sure they’re in foreclosure now.

Anyway, good on this UCF team. By giving Alex this hand, they really gave him a leg up.

[via Fox 29 News Philadelphia]

      1. SNUBonny

        Yeah yeah. Forgot we all have to pretend not to be raging assholes on certain types of stories.

        10 years ago at 4:17 pm