7 Lies That Are Okay Tell Your Girlfriend

7 Lies You Can Tell Your GF

In my opinion, sometimes it’s ok to bend the truth in a relationship. Never tell huge lies, but little harmless white lies are fine. Here’s my guideline for your love life. Here are the seven lies that it’s okay to tell your girlfriend.

“Of course I like your parents.”

Look, even if you hate your girlfriend’s parents, act like you love them. I don’t care that her mom is racist and thinks Applebee’s is fancy. I don’t care that her dad farts too much and thinks Pulp Fiction is overrated. It’s not worth the argument. Pretend you don’t hate them. If she ever asks what your opinion is on them, do 11 backflips and get passionately excited about how wonderful they are.

“Of course I don’t wanna bang your friends.”

Look, I know her best friend Cindy is insanely hot. She looks like Jessica Alba but with an even larger butt, and you’d sell your left nut and murder all your grandparents just for the chance to have her sit on your face for 37 seconds in a dark closet. But don’t mention it to your girl. Let your girl feel like all her friends look like the warthog from The Lion King. Hakuna Matata.

“Of course I don’t watch porn.”

Look, every dude watches some pornography from time to time. Even the Pope goes on Pornhub once in a while when he has bad insomnia. But don’t tell your chick. If she finds out that you sharpen your pencil to hardcore videos of lesbians eating nachos off of each other on a yoga mat, she’ll get insecure. Act like you’ve never even HEARD of porn. If she mentions porn, be like, “What the fuck is that? Are you referring to that shitty band from the 2000s?” and she’ll be like “No, porn is sexual videos; you’re thinking of Korn.”

“Of course I wanna watch The Notebook with you.”

Look, we all know The Notebook is boring as fuck — almost as boring as a Wally Bryton article — but, for some reason, everyone with a clit loves it. You’re a male, OF COURSE you don’t wanna watch that fuckin’ movie. It’s REALLY corny, it’s too long, and Ryan Gosling gives you confusing homosexual fantasies that you’d rather not address. But just take the bullet. Relationships are about compromise. Watch The Notebook and pretend to enjoy it; it’s not worth the fight.

“Of course I’ve never been arrested for peeing on a cop.”

Look, we all remember New Year’s Eve 2014 when you got thrown in jail for going full R. Kelly on a uniformed officer after you had too much whiskey. It’s totally common. Who among us hasn’t been arrested for pissing on a policemen? Hell, it’s happened to me twice this year. But if your girlfriend ever asks you about it, deny it. Don’t ruin your relationship, she doesn’t need to know.

“Of course I’ve never cooked meth in my garage and sold it to middle schoolers.”

Look, everyone has done things they’re not proud of for money. It’s hard out here, you gotta get that paper. So it’s easily forgivable that you cooked meth in your garage and sold it to 6th graders outside of a Cici’s Pizza Buffet. We’ve ALL done it. It’s a guy thing. But don’t tell your girl, she doesn’t need to know that. It doesn’t matter.

“Of course I wasn’t the Zodiac Killer.”

Look, Chaz, we ALL know you were the Zodiac Killer. Just admit it. We ALL know you killed a bunch of people in California in the late 60s and early 70s and sent eerie, cryptic messages to the local press about it. It’s ok, though! We forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s honestly not that big of a deal. BUT if your girl ever asks if you were the zodiac killer, just say no. She’ll get mad for some reason; I don’t know why. She’s just too emotional I guess. Bitches be tripping, man.

  1. CrossbowsAreForPussies

    you are so fucking incompetent that you could only think of 4 actually rational lies to tell, then panicked and tried to be funny with 3 more absurd ones because you had already put “7 lies” in the title. I hate you.

    9 years ago at 6:42 pm
  2. Call Me Warden

    Of course that makeup doesn’t make you look like a common street whore looking for her next STD at the local truck stop ready to blow for ecstasy.

    9 years ago at 8:18 pm
  3. WhiteNation88

    What is wrong with being ‘racist’?

    Is working for or preferring your own group interests and not wanting your race to be displaced in your own country somehow a bad thing?

    Nice try equating racism with poor/dumb people with the Applebee’s comment right after.

    9 years ago at 8:27 pm
    1. 1995

      This has got to be one of the most unintelligent, uneducated comments I’ve read on this site so far. Did you seriously just ask what’s wrong with racism? What’s wrong with an idealogy that has led to lynchings, murders, violence and brutality purely for the amount of melanin in someone else’s skin?

      There is a direct correlation between less educated/poorer people and higher levels of racism, and it has been proven in many studies, because to actually believe that certain groups are better because of their skin colour is ludicrous. Judging by your comments, it sounds like you’re an inbred hick from the middle of the woods that’s never interacted with other people before, or you would know that the colour of your skin or gender has nothing to do with your intelligence or your ability.

      9 years ago at 9:03 pm
      1. Nie Sass

        The color of your skin is not important. But certain groups of people may be inferior/superior than others. A history book a will tell you that when certain people come together they can become greater than those around them. Examples: Greece surrounded by barbarians, Rome displacing Carthage, Britain leading the industrial revolution.. Ect…

        9 years ago at 12:11 am
      2. And now Greece is bankrupt, Rome had a cataclysmic downfall, and Britain had a brexit. No one is better, its all time, edge, and circumstance. Given enough time empires and fall, no one is superior it is only the will and whims of men of all kinds. Ther Persian empire, the Mongol empire rose and fell on the whims of assholes.

        9 years ago at 8:28 am
      3. rise and fall* Also location, if a peoples are surrounded by moutains free from invasion they can progress furthure, rather than building and having it razed by other civilizations. If they are isolated or are able to have better trade routes to grow richer. Where do you think knowledge comes from? God blessed a certain people with certain amounts? your argument is so rediculous I’m about to type an essay, so I’ll end here.

        9 years ago at 8:37 am