8 Reasons Why Your Next Roommate Should Be A Gay Dude

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Let me preface this by saying that I am in no way attracted to men or dicks or anything in-between. Not that it matters. After all, it’s 2017 and my inclination to enjoy vagina has never prevented me from respecting the lifestyles of dudes who just like a good peen every now and then. In-fact, my first roommate was one of the most flamboyantly homosexual people on the planet.

Was I apprehensive to move in with him? I’m ashamed to admit it, but yes, I was. Did having a gay roommate improve my overall quality of life? 1000 percent. Here are 8 reasons why living with a gay dude was one of the most enjoyable periods of my short life.

1. Girls on girls on girls

He seemingly knew every woman on campus, and would invite a small platoon of smokes over to the dorm on a nightly basis. Our room was flushed with talent comparable to the Vegas pool party scene.

2. He was an in-house fashion consultant

I never realized how terrible my taste in clothing was until he pointed out that even Ryan Gosling wouldn’t be able to pull while wearing athletic shorts and my high school golf team polo.

3. I learned a lot about sex. Not in a gay way, but an educational way

This dude had been around the block. He was the definition of “Throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks.” I even added a few moves to my now all-encompassing repertoire.

4. The guy could chug booze better than anyone I knew

I learned as much about alcohol consumption from him as I did from my pledgeship.

5. Best. Wingman. Ever.

6. Not gay related, but he worked at Panda Express

Who doesn’t want a sweetfire chicken plug?

7. He taught me how to dance

Hear me out on this: mastering just one dance move can eliminate the hassle of coming up with clever ways to talk to women. Just wander up to one, start shaking dat ass, and, if you don’t suck, she’ll laugh while inching closer to your gyrating hips. Next thing you know it’s 9 the following morning, and that shit-eating grin on your face gives away the fact that last night was the death sentence to your dry-spell. All thanks to your glitter-loving roommate.

8. There was no threat of being swooped on

With any straight roommate, this is something you always have to have in the back of your mind even if you are affectionately referred to as “Swoop.” Pecking order doesn’t matter when he’s not on the board at all.

I’ll finish by saying this: I’m sure there are a lot of gay guys out there who are just as disgusting, insulting, and unkempt as the stiff dicks they long for, but my experience says otherwise. Next time you meet a gay guy, at least try befriending him and maybe you too can experience life with the advantages mentioned above.

Image via Shutterstock

      1. thevaginator

        And you showed up at our last quarterly with 4 dudes and got laughed at when you tried to get in

        8 years ago at 8:31 pm
  1. StockWithFrock

    Gay dudes are chick magnets but usually they don’t pull smokes in my experience they hang with the tumblrinas and sjw types mostly.

    8 years ago at 7:29 pm
  2. Brewskie1994

    Can confirm this is bullshit. I had a gay roommate. All he does is get drunk off wine (half a bottle), makes me listen to his problems while I’m sober, and always makes those really long text messages to explain is disappointment that the house is dirty and how he is disappointed in our living arrangements.

    8 years ago at 7:53 pm
    1. Fratty McFratFrat

      How many accounts did you have to create to finally get an upvoted comment?

      8 years ago at 8:46 am
  3. WilliamHLetterman

    Y’all are embarrassing. I know I’ll get lapped by you shitheads, but fuck this. I’ll be damned if my roommate is a gay. No I’m not homophobic, BUT I’m looking into the best interest of natural reproduction. And these days having that opinion is being a “bigot.” But fuck that… I just believe in the same principles my forefathers did. #USA

    8 years ago at 12:43 am
      1. SharkWeekTFM

        Give it a D- opinion with a C+ articulation “Natural reproduction” and “in the best interest of” make it sound like there is some logic behind it where there actually is not.

        8 years ago at 8:55 am
    1. SharkWeekTFM

      “Natural” reproduction (as opposed to unnatural reproduction?) is not in any danger and no effort on your part will change its standing one way or the other. Hell, in terms of humans, I wish reproduction would slow down a bit.

      And what does your roommate’s sexuality have anything to do with the anything? Not like there will be one less gay dude out there if you don’t room with him. He will just live elsewhere.

      I don’t know if you’re a bigot or not. This comment doesn’t really point one way or the other. It just shows you’re not the most logically thinking person.

      8 years ago at 8:52 am
    2. BroadSkreetBully

      you were LOL’d at and label “homophobic” right around “a gay”….

      8 years ago at 12:30 pm