8 Situations In Which It’s Okay To Cheat On Your Girlfriend
Infidelity is a very loaded topic. Anyone who’s ever been cheated on knows how much it can hurt. Anyone who’s ever cheated knows how hard it it is to explain to your girl why she’s suddenly HIV positive now. But does cheating automatically make you a shitty human being? I honestly don’t know, man. No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes. Hell, even the seemingly flawless O.J. Simpson missed a touchdown catch once.
So all of this leads to the essential question: Is it ever okay to cheat, is it never ever cool, or is it occasionally acceptable under certain specific circumstances? The idea of infidelity being okay is like the idea of a man being able to suck his own dick — I’m not sure if it’s possible, but it might be.
I’ve thought about this a lot. I’ve pondered it, I’ve reflected on it, I’ve even thought about it while sitting in a chair wearing a monocle and big red turtleneck sweater and smoking a giant pipe next to a fancy fireplace. And I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a few times when adultery is actually forgivable to commit (sorry, The Bible).
Men, here’s when it’s okay to cheat:
• If your girlfriend cheated on you first (unless it was with Liam Neeson; then all you’re allowed to do is congratulate her and ask questions).
• If your girlfriend has any type of abusive tendencies (she’s cruel or psychologically manipulative, threatens to physically harm you with a knife or some shit, or makes you binge watch Gilmore Girls).
• If your girlfriend has ever tried to murder you (tried to stab you, tried to shoot you, forced you to inhale while standing next to a white guy with dreadlocks, etc.).
• If your girlfriend owns at least one (1) piece of “Jill Stein 4 Prez” memorabilia.
• If your girlfriend STILL hasn’t seen The Dark Knight.
• If your girlfriend doesn’t think Animal House still holds up.
• If your girlfriend has ever worn Ugg Boots in public.
• If Beyoncé wants to fuck you to get back at Jay Z for cheating on her. Look, I know you love your girlfriend, but this is BEYONCÉ, god dammit. You may never get another chance. Don’t worry; your girl will understand.
Now, let’s make it even and do the opposite. We need to balance this out and make sure this is a guide that can apply to everyone, not just men. So I did some more research about when infidelity is excusable when the gender roles are reversed.
Girls, here’s when it’s okay to cheat on your man:
• If he flies drones.
• If he writes list articles on TFM..
Image via Shutterstock
9. Your girlfriend is Wally Bryson (after cheating, kill yourself).
8 years ago at 11:03 am9. If she thinks Wally puts out good content
8 years ago at 11:03 am9. The other girl is pretty hot
8 years ago at 11:09 amTrue story. I got about halfway through this article and thought to myself “Who is writing this absolute horse shit” before I even got to scroll back to the top I already knew in my heart it was Wally “$20 a post” Bryton.
8 years ago at 11:09 amI have trust issues with these kinds of stories.
8 years ago at 11:10 amWrong article*
8 years ago at 11:32 amBill Cosby, Michael Jackson, and Adolf Hitler walk into a bar, they each order a beer and the bar tender serves them. later Wally Walks into the bar. The bartender looks up and says “GET THE FUCK OUT”
8 years ago at 11:10 am9. If she isn’t in the immediate vicinity. Powermove if she is, but wear a bullet proof vest and a helmet.
8 years ago at 11:50 amI can’t imagine that Wally has ever even had sex.
But if he did, I imagine that it would be like trying to play pool with a piece of rope where the felt is cellulite skin and the pocket is a gaping vagina of alcoholism, domestic violence and poor decisions.
8 years ago at 12:03 pmDoesn’t matter; had sex.
8 years ago at 1:07 pmName checks out.
8 years ago at 1:08 pmWho the fuck still uses a semicolon
8 years ago at 10:45 amI’m not going to let you fuck my Friday up Wally.
8 years ago at 12:09 pmFuck Wally. Here are the 3 simple codes I abide by:
It’s not cheating if you’re not the one who’s married.
8 years ago at 12:13 pmIt’s not cheating if her name has two adjacent vowels.
And it’s not cheating if she’s from a different area code.
Yea, we’ve all seen the American Pie movies too.
8 years ago at 2:31 pmWrong reference. Try again bud
8 years ago at 3:32 pm