tcu college football

8 Things To Do Until College Football Comes Back

tcu college football

Sadly, college football is over until a time so far away I’m not entirely sure I’ll even be alive for it. On the one hand, I certainly hope my skin is able to keep preventing the beer, pizza, and Taco Bell inside of me from bursting me at the seams for 8 more months. On the other, however, if that’s how I go out, won’t that have been a life worth living? I’m torn.

While life will certainly suck any way you look at it until college football makes its triumphant return later this year, there is some hope. Here are some things you can do to pass the time until next season.

1. Watch Other Sports

You’ve barely got any pro football left for the season, so that’s not really even a viable option. You need something more sustainable with a shorter offseason. Good thing there’s always that reliable crutch: action-packed, high-intensity, no-holds-barred baseball. Hooray…

2. Get Into Some Obscure Sports

I’ve never watched it, but jai alai could be a good time even though it looks like a sport you’d hallucinate up while on acid.

Then, Mr. Scoopy Hand Man flung the ball at the wall with his scoopy hand…

Maybe get into competitive speed stacking while you’re at it. Or Rubik’s Cubing. Or murder.

3. Community Service

You should be doing this anyway. Give back to your community. Chances are you’ve taken plenty from it, and 4,500 measly hours would hardly put a dent in the debt you owe.

4. Horse Racing

I don’t mean riding a horse competitively (although if you can somehow shrink 1.5 feet and get into that sport between now and next season, good for you); I’m talking about attending horse races. It’s an excuse to get dressed up, smoke “Cubanos” that are really White Owls, and gamble on little people riding large animals. A true gentleman’s game.

5. Tailgate Other Shit

Finals? Tailgate them. Intramural kickball? Tailgate it. Your boy is planning on breaking things off with his girlfriend? Tailgate it. Jai alai match? Tailgate it with acid. Everything is better with tailgating.

6. Get In Shape For Next Season

I don’t mean start jogging; you’re not the one who’s actually playing. You’ve got a season of tailgates, games, and loss celebrations ahead of you. Start conditioning now. Those 12-ounce curls aren’t going to do themselves. Make the offseason your onseason.

7. Research Your Opponent

Your team is doing everything to make sure they can win on the field, and you need to do everything you can to help out off of it. Doing your research ahead of time will make your heckling that much more effective. The offseason is the best time to hone your skills. Don’t listen to anyone who says “yelling at the TV doesn’t do anything; they can’t hear you.” Anyone who thinks like that is clearly not on acid like you.

8. Wallow In Despair

You’ve got the better part of a year ahead of you. Good luck.

Image via YouTube

  1. Ronnie Swanson

    I’ve run out of creampie surprise videos on the Hub so my life is pretty much fucked until August.

    8 years ago at 11:44 am
  2. SteveHoltOnDrugs

    I’m going to spend my time writing a paper on the Total Frat Movie. Is the plot Chekovian, Dostoyevskian, or Nabokovian?

    8 years ago at 11:58 am
  3. thadcastle2

    Speaking of atrocious, I just tried watching the Total Frat Movie on Netflix and made it about 3 minutes in before turning it off. Had butt chugging and half naked pledges getting hazed and bro hugging before the 5 minute mark. Way to stray away from the shitty mainstream stereotypes guys

    8 years ago at 12:53 pm
  4. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    Masturbate. The solution to your problem, and most problems, is masturbation.

    8 years ago at 3:22 pm
      1. wearbowsdrinkwhiskey

        The Cubs aren’t the problem, it’s the people that became cubs fans at the beginning of October and then wouldn’t shut up about it after they won

        8 years ago at 9:49 pm
    1. wearbowsdrinkwhiskey

      I love sports but have always hated baseball and found it incredibly boring until 3 years ago, after March madness ended when I essentially forced myself to learn to like baseball out of sheer desperation for something to do for the next 5 months until the start of college football. Now I can’t wait for opening day. College football will always be my first love but Dodger games are a close second now

      8 years ago at 9:52 pm