93-Year-Old D-Day Veteran To Parachute Onto Beaches Of Normandy, Just As He Did 70 Years Ago

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Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day, and many war veterans from our nation’s Greatest Generation are returning to the beaches of Normandy to honor their fellow soldiers and to reminisce on the significance and struggles of their achievement.

One of those veterans, Jim Martin, will land on the beaches of Normandy the exact same way he did 70 years ago: by parachute. Martin, 93, was a private in the 101st Airborne, and he was one of the paratroopers dropped behind the German lines hours before soldiers landed on the beach.

With what might be the most hardcore, badass quote ever, Martin recalls the D-Day mission.

From CBS News:

Asked what was going through his mind as he slowly descended through the clouds into hostile territory, Jim says, “Fascination, because of all of this fire coming up towards us.”

“It was absolutely fascinating to see all these various colored tracers coming up there,” he says.

While their mission was to keep the Germans from reinforcing their fellow soldiers on the dunes, the paratroopers unfortunately landed directly in the middle of the German troops.

“That was a slaughter house,” he recalls. “There was SS all over the place, and they just slaughtered us. My colonel was lost. My company commander was lost.”

Despite being told the fighting would only last a few days, the paratroopers ended up having to battle the Germans for a month.

“That’s the way we were trained, we accepted that,” Jim says. “And no matter how many people are there against you, what the odds are doesn’t matter. We’re going to win.”

Now, Martin will make that same jump–just 70 years later, and under peaceful conditions.

Best of luck, Jim. You’re a true American hero. Thank you for your service.

[via CBS News]

  1. Market Maker

    As soon as he hit the ground 50 Frenchmen attempted to surrender to him. ‘Merica land of BAMF’s like this.

    10 years ago at 11:22 am
  2. Under Par

    It’s people like this who put their lives on the line for this great country that make me proud to be American.

    10 years ago at 11:27 am
  3. DarrensDad

    “And no matter how many people are there against you, what the odds are doesn’t matter. We’re going to win.” – Jim Martin
    The United States is the greatest country in the world because of heroes like Jim. If I make it to the age of 93, let alone with the ability to parachute, I hope I am half the man he is.

    10 years ago at 12:05 pm
  4. Nucky_Thompson

    This is so cool. If I could be half the man this guy is, I’d be proud if myself.

    10 years ago at 12:28 pm
  5. Sippin_on_makers

    Its men like this that make me proud to wear that screaming eagle patch on my should every damn day god bless brother.

    10 years ago at 1:27 pm