The Huffington Post Reports That the French Don’t Like Mitt Romney, No One Cares

I’d like to nominate this article as the Huffington Post-iest Huffington Post news story ever written, it’s easily top 5. It’s got everything: A pointless liberal slant, an asinine subject, and a title that ends up being contradicted by parts of the article.

Starting with the title, “Mitt Romney Not Adored In France,” really? The French don’t like Mitt Romney!?! Sacrebleu! This is, after all, a country that started hating America roughly four years after we liberated them from the Nazis. Meanwhile we drop two A-Bombs on Japan and they love us forever. But that’s not fair, that’s comparing the world’s most polite culture to one that has a South Park style smug typhoon constantly hovering over it. But, as you’ll find from reading the article, it’s not actually that the French don’t like Mitt Romney, it’s that they don’t adore Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, “The French Have No Specific Opinion About Mitt Romney One Way or the Other” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as a headline.

At what point did anyone think it was relevant to write this article? Here, I have a similar news story I’d like to write: “Mitt Romney Not Adored by Ghosts.” Why is it similar? Because the dead, like the French, can’t vote in American elections. Even if Romney was/is disliked by the French, if anything that would be an endearing quality for him. If you’re an American and pissing off the French then you’re probably doing something right. Of course this isn’t exactly the first wine and cheese crowd that has preferred Obama.

The article is too long to pick it all apart, but here are a few choice selections:

A swing through France was not on Mitt Romney’s agenda during his recent trip abroad, but no one here seemed to be disappointed. With the election of President Francois Hollande, the summer holidays, the crisis in the euro zone and various social plans, the French have their heads elsewhere.

So if there weren’t all of those things going on the French would potentially care about the Republican candidate?

Durpaire called this lack of attention “a return to normalcy. Four years ago, the Republican convention did not interest many people.

Oh, they wouldn’t, but hey, still seems like a valid thing to say, because fuck it, we’re trying our very hardest to talk shit on Romney, right?

It’s a stark contrast to the response to then-Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s highly publicized trip almost four years ago. His brief visit to Paris drew dozens of onlookers outside the gates of the Elysée Palace.

Yes, a stark contrast to Obama, who unlike Romney, had the power to draw an upwards of twenty four, maybe even thirty six, onlookers in one of the largest cities in the world. The difference is night and day. Also none of those people were registered American voters, but whatever. Although maybe that’s a good turnout for a country as apathetic as France. After all one of their great literary works of the 20th Century featured a protagonist so nihilistic that he didn’t even care about being guillotined.

“The French were under-informed about Romney’s nomination, which is why he remains largely unknown,”

Unknown? That’s a little different than disliked. But wait, don’t worry, they MIGHT dislike Romney for reasons both vague and stereotypical.

“Republicans suffer from two stereotypes in France: one advocating a lawless capitalism and the other advocating racist policies. The Republican Party’s opposition to affirmative action, for example, is very misunderstood,” lamented Pierre Toullec, chairman of the Mitt Romney France political committee, which seeks to explain U.S. policy from the Republican perspective rather than to unite expatriated American voters in France.

A) It’s good to know that it isn’t just Americans that don’t understand American politics… I guess. B) Why would the opinion of people who can’t vote and according to their own countrymen have no idea what they’re talking about be important AT ALL? This is more useless the opinion of an ESPN SportsNation poll about soccer.

Even right-wing French elected officials are in no hurry to defend their conservative counterpart.

Yet Romney has significant assets with which to seduce the French public.

When the Huff Post says “assets” they’re actually talking about the fact that Romney has lived in France as a missionary and can fluently speak the language, not his considerable wealth. That said, when I see “assets” alongside “seducing the French” I assume money is what’s being implied if only because I like imagining French hookers. My grandfather’s stories about them were so vivid. But really, Romney’s not seducing the French because THEY AREN’T THE ONES VOTING.

Although a major reversal of French public opinion seems unlikely, the Republican candidate could still see his fame skyrocket in early September.

Sweet Mormon Jesus no one cares. No one. At all. Not even R-Money. This is the most inconsequential thing that could have ever been written about Mitt Romney’s campaign. On the scale of things that affect Romney’s presidential bid this ranks somewhere between “campaign bus running over a small nail” and “poor snack selection causing interns to become disgruntled.”

The French sort of don’t like Mitt Romney. Big fuckin’ deal.

  1. Brosheppus

    I’d like to see a HuffPost-style column by Bacon on why HuffPost is awful. Give it an outlandish title in their style: “Huffington Post: Stalin-Worshipping Communist Zealots or Goat-Fucking Pervets?”

    12 years ago at 10:34 am
  2. Stoned Wall Jackson

    Yea fuck foreign policy, who needs countries to like us!! TFTC. Romney 2016!

    12 years ago at 11:12 am
    1. Diplofrat USA

      Since when does international opinion determine what is good or bad foreign policy?

      12 years ago at 4:51 pm
  3. LEGENwaitforitDARY

    On a serious political note, I don’t think that the French population is at fault for Romney’s negative appeal in France. It’s their newly elected, openly socialist President Hollande that has swayed the population to become anti-American once again. While conservative President Sarkozy, U.S.-French relations were at the highest they had been since the end of WWII. I know what you are all still thinkinh: “Fuck the French! Fuck those NF GDI pussy creep toad-eating fucks!” And yes, their opinions are about as relevant to us as women’s basketball, but when Romney gets elected, it’s not a bad idea to have the 5th strongest economy on your side rather than against you.

    12 years ago at 11:37 am
    1. Rob Fox

      I like Sarkozy a lot. If Romney gets elected I have no doubt that his time lived in France will be a massive help to him in winning over the French. But whether they like our president or dislike him (and they won’t dislike anyone more than Bush) I don’t think it will make that big of a difference. And in terms of the election, which is what the article is more or less about, it’s absolutely meaningless.

      12 years ago at 11:42 am
    2. Stoned Wall Jackson

      ^you’re talking as if foreign policy ability isn’t relative in an election. Whether or not this statement in particular will affect how Romney is viewed is one thing, but let’s not lose sight of the fact the ability to maintain foreign positive relationships is a major trait needed by presidents today and will always be under scrutiny in an election

      12 years ago at 12:46 pm
    3. Rob Fox

      So the fact that people who don’t know anything about him don’t like him because of vague assumptions they’re making based on past presidents/nominees from his party is important?

      I’m sure he’ll be able to maintain foreign relationships just fine. In the meantime, until the French educate themselves about Romney, their opinion is pointless, as all opinions based on ignorance are.

      12 years ago at 12:54 pm
    4. Stoned Wall Jackson

      Not what I was saying. I meant that he should try to stay out of negative foreign discussions at all costs in order not to sway key voters who look at things like ability to conduct foreign policy (which is a major component in elections). It could become a whole new topic attack ads that distracts the public from the actual issues on hand.

      12 years ago at 2:04 pm
  4. ice cold frat

    Shooting a random A-rab because it’s fucking hot outside. Meursault, The Stranger. TFM.

    12 years ago at 12:27 pm
  5. Anthony Fratvin

    fuck the poor scummy french. MITT ROMNEY 2012. not to mention he’s rich as fuck

    12 years ago at 2:26 pm
  6. Dennis Reynolds

    Obama trying to tell the voters that being highly successful and financially prudent is what’s “wrong” with America. Tpoo-babyM

    12 years ago at 3:52 pm
  7. Dorns_Boy_Toy

    France is looking at 75% tax rates on anyone who earns more than $1 million euros. I don’t think any further comment is necessary.

    12 years ago at 9:36 pm