ESPN Doesn’t Want the SEC to Win Another National Championship

While I would definitely like this year’s National Championship game to feature an offensive matchup that isn’t the equivalent of a cripple fight, there’s no way it would be interesting without an SEC team. You’ve got to take down the king if you want to sit on top of the mountain. Also voodoo doesn’t seem like an effective deterrent against SEC dominance. Guarantee that witch doctor is an LSU fan.

Funny how ESPN wants the team from America’s second largest, and NFL-less, city to contend for the title. Sluts.

Your thoughts?

    1. Robert Fratterson

      ^ you’re and idiot. I’ll take that bet and when I win you owe me your life

      12 years ago at 9:01 am
  1. ice cold frat

    I don’t blame them. Last year’s NC game was about as entertaining as watching my dog shit all over my brand new rug.

    12 years ago at 1:09 pm
    1. ice cold frat

      ^ My God, how intelligence can escape some. How do you therefore explain my entertainment by past NC games that my team did also not compete in?

      12 years ago at 1:21 pm
    2. colonial ft soldier

      ^What else would you expect from the two best defenses in the country?

      12 years ago at 1:27 pm
    3. Fratoholic

      USC? Of course the Gamecocks would have scored on them. I think they will do great this year. As for the other team in California, they’ll probably be in a major bowl game but that’s about it. SEC is taking the NC trophy home again this year!

      12 years ago at 1:40 pm
    4. ice cold frat

      OK State would have put up a 40 spot on either team pretty easily. Not saying they would have won, just saying they wouldn’t have any particular problem scoring and making the game at least somewhat interesting and entertaining.

      12 years ago at 1:59 pm
    5. colonial ft soldier

      ^ You’re high. Do they even play defense in the Big 12? Yall couldn’t even beat Iowa State!

      12 years ago at 2:04 pm
    6. ice cold frat

      ^ I’m not an OK State fan and yes they play defense in the Big 12. Anything else?

      12 years ago at 2:10 pm
    7. colonial ft soldier

      ^The idea that OK State would put up 40 on arguably one of the best defenses of all time is completely ludicrous. They only scored 31 against Iowa State, and that’s with 2 OTs.

      12 years ago at 2:17 pm
    8. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      ^ Are you challenged serious question? 40 points!!! They couldn’t even put 40 against iowa state and you think they can do that against bama or lsu just stop and go delete your TFM account NOW!!! Because you have no business talking sports or anything else for that matter with these ridiculous comments.

      12 years ago at 2:17 pm
    9. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      ^ My apologizes colonial ft soldier i guess we were thinking the same thing haha

      12 years ago at 2:18 pm
    10. ice cold frat

      ^^^ You’re right. I forgot that the SEC’s OOC schedule is always back-breakingly strong. Any determination of how prolific these defenses really are are based off the best offenses college football has to offer and not in conference scrubs (LSU withstanding, then again, still only scoring 9 points in two combined games. Again, not a factor of actual strength, but the “any given sunday” aspect of the game. Same as the Iowa State vs. OK State game).

      12 years ago at 2:36 pm
    11. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      ^ Hey dumbass didn’t oregon have 46.1 ppg and just barely above them was ok state and lsu held oregon to 27 and they let them get 27 if they wanted they could have kept their starters in and kept under 20 points so like i said get off TFM you have no idea what you’re talking about!

      12 years ago at 2:41 pm
    12. ice cold frat

      ^ I mentioned that. Again, if they could have held Oregon to under 20 points, why couldn’t they hold a much worse offense, Alabama, under 20 points in the worst game of college football ever played?

      12 years ago at 2:55 pm
    13. colonial ft soldier

      ^^^ How can you on the SEC’s OOC? look at LSU’s schedule last year? This year alone has Alabama v Michigan, LSU v Washington, Auburn v Clemson, etc. This is the worst argument against the SEC, but it pops up every year.

      12 years ago at 2:56 pm
    14. BornOnTheBayou

      As much as I believe the SEC unquestionably holds the top 2 teams almost every year, I think the NC should be a game in which the best conference in the league proves itself against an OOC team. This will remove the “Oh my conference didn’t get its chance” bitch session every year. The only problem is it won’t make for more exciting games when someone like USC rolls in and realizes they’ve never played an actual defense (the Utes, Oregon, and Hawaii? Real iron curtains there) and is now facing a team that can tackle, blitz, and cover like pros. Defense wins championships in college, and that’s why the SEC will stay on top for the foreseeable future

      12 years ago at 3:05 pm
    15. ice cold frat

      ^^ Do you know what “withstanding” means? I wouldn’t necessarily blame you if you didn’t; you’re but a product of your elite education. And it was only in reference to the 2011 year in college football. Schedule this year is yet to be consequential.

      12 years ago at 3:06 pm
    16. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      ^ Do you even understand football with a defense like bama had not allowing lsu to cross the 50 yard line they’re going to have great field position for offense which makes it easier to score, yet were the ones with the bottom tier education guys…

      12 years ago at 3:15 pm
    17. colonial ft soldier

      ^ I overlooked that part. *laps taken* Still you can’t call Alabama v Penn State, Auburn and South Carolina v Clemson, Arkansas v A&M, etc… weak scheduling. Year in and year out, SEC’s OOC is on par with, if not more difficult than any other conferences OOC. Your argument against the SEC’s OOC is pretty weak

      12 years ago at 3:18 pm
    18. ice cold frat

      ^ Why didn’t they win the first game, then? I think you’re forgetting that I make no argument that Bama and LSU may have not the best teams with the best defenses in College Football that year. I said the game was fucking terrible to watch, because it was. It received the worst ratings in a decade and I believe a different pairing would have led to a better game. (No comment on who actually deserves to go to a national championship. The BCS Bowl system is a scam either way.)

      12 years ago at 3:25 pm
    19. ice cold frat

      ^ It’s damn near sporting world consensus that the SEC had one of the weakest OOC schedules in 2011. It’s going to be hard to debate that as a whole, the conference had much of anything other than cream puffs with a few decent teams thrown in.

      12 years ago at 3:32 pm
    20. DrFratlove

      The SEC has the easiest OOC schedule every year. Why? Because they don’t have one OOC game against the SEC. So yes, it will always be easier than a team who plays the SEC for their OOC games.

      12 years ago at 5:57 pm
    21. ice cold frat

      ^Facts were never your forte, were they?

      “The SEC had (2011), by far, the weakest non-conference schedule of any BCS AQ conference.

      A laughable 25 percent of the SEC’s 48 non-conference games come against BCS AQ programs.

      Amazingly, the SEC actually has more FCS programs on its non-conference slate than BCS AQ programs!”

      12 years ago at 6:42 pm
    22. DrFratlove

      It is tough to play a lot of top 10 teams OOC when most of them are in your conference. So the fact that the SEC had an easy OOC schedule proves what, exactly?

      12 years ago at 6:54 pm
    23. ice cold frat

      ^ A laughable 25 percent of the SEC’s 48 non-conference games came against BCS AQ programs.

      12 years ago at 7:26 pm
    24. That fucking guy

      Scheduling is a two way street. The same teams that can’t acquire enough BCS points are the same teams that don’t schedule top SEC opponents out of conference. But I agree part of that burden falls on the SEC programs. But can you blame any team in the SEC west for wanting at least a little relief in their absurdly-tough schedules?

      Regardless, this is all irrelevant now due to the new Championship format, which I particularly like.

      12 years ago at 7:41 pm
    25. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      ^Couldn’t agree more the system is good and i can bet anything people are still going to be complaining when it comes down to two sec schools in the playoff championship because they will be the best two teams in college football. Everyone loves offense and high scoring i get it but they are some fans out there that love a good defense strangle hold game everyone once in while its football get over it already!

      12 years ago at 9:52 pm
  2. PhiPhiTill_IDie33

    Funny how ESPN wants the most talented team in the NCAA this year to contend for the title. Idiots.

    12 years ago at 1:18 pm
    1. Fraton Rouge Senior

      You can’t honestly think usc is the most talented team in the NCAA. It’s pretty easy to be good in a shit conference. Come play with the big boys and we’ll see who shits on the sidewalk

      12 years ago at 6:29 pm
    2. PeterGriffin

      Judging off of recruiting classes, yeah one could think USC is the most talented team in the NCAA. Could be two straight years of >4 star average for the classes (yes, I know, they’re not taking 25+ kids). Also, SC has a legit record of taking SEC teams to the woodshed and an SEC team hasn’t been willing to schedule them since.

      12 years ago at 6:39 pm
    1. jmt

      You’re right…no shot at the title with a preseason #6 ranking. You’re an idiot.

      12 years ago at 1:49 pm
    2. Dennis Reynolds

      I’ would expect a Georgia fan to know better than to believe in preseason rankings, or have you missed the previous decade?

      12 years ago at 1:52 pm
    3. BK2645

      ^ agreed. Shouldn’t it be that other SEC team that’s won the natty twice in the past six years?

      12 years ago at 1:52 pm
    4. DrFratlove

      Seriously, Georgia got blasted by the first team in history to get shut out in the NC game. Remember when UGA was ranked #1 pre season? How did that turn out?

      12 years ago at 1:57 pm
    5. Bows_and_Toes_Pussys

      Georgia had a stacked team until their players got in trouble and lost isaiah crowell they’re still a good team, but no where near what they could have been they still have a good shot at the east though really depends heavily on aaron murray to step up this season

      12 years ago at 2:23 pm
    6. Frathlete28

      Georgia’s schedule is as soft as can be. Hopefully Mizzou can tear them up week 2 to expose how overrated the Bulldogs are.

      12 years ago at 3:38 pm
    7. General Longstreet

      Georgia is arguably the best team in the SEC East, but they are overranked. I have to say I’m glad Crowell got booted off the team… He left every game with an injury, didn’t put any work in off the field, and was just an idiot.

      12 years ago at 6:28 pm
    8. General Longstreet

      … and all our players that got suspended are out for 1-4 games and are first four games are the easiest games we have on our schedule

      12 years ago at 6:30 pm
    9. SC_Proper

      Georgia has a pretty easy schedule as it goes in the SEC. Laps taken for my bias as a SC fan, but it’s true

      12 years ago at 9:43 pm
  3. JudgeFraterson

    Nothing would give me greater pleasure than for a team, any team, take a glorious dump on Lame Kiffin’ s chest.

    12 years ago at 2:17 pm
    1. USC_ATbrO

      ^You just hate Lane Fuckin’ Kiffin because his wife is way hotter than any slam you could ever get.

      12 years ago at 5:59 pm
    2. General Longstreet

      ^^ i’m pretty sure they’re mad cause Kiffin abandoned UT after one season to go to USC

      12 years ago at 6:32 pm
    3. PeterGriffin

      Yeah seriously, USC is so much shittier than UT. I mean UT has more tradition, it’s easier to recruit to, better weather, better girls, better academics. Seriously that guy must be a world class idiot. Wait, no, I messed that up. All of that was wrong.

      12 years ago at 6:41 pm
    4. JudgeFraterson

      ^,^^ Actually hate UT. We wish he was still around so Saban, Spurrier and Co. could still clown on his ass publicly at SEC media days and skull fuck his eye sockets on Saturdays. Keep those tips frosty and brims flat brah.

      12 years ago at 7:18 pm
  4. ReaganKA

    If you don’t appreciate a hard fought defensive game then you are a fucking pussy. The last thing I want is to watch USC or Oregon dance around the field in their queer uniforms at the NC. Anyone that says they want to see more offense isn’t a true football fan.

    12 years ago at 3:23 pm
    1. Frathlete28

      It’s not that it’s not appreciated. It just honestly isn’t that fun to watch two great defenses tear apart offenses with very sub-par quarterbacks. It would have been much more impressive if either team had to try to stop an Andrew Luck/Matt Barkley type quarterback for four quarters.

      12 years ago at 3:42 pm
    2. ReaganKA

      It’s not fun to watch watch two great defenses tear apart offenses? What sorority are you a member of?

      12 years ago at 4:42 pm
    3. USC_ATbrO

      ^Yeah, because the first Bama v. LSU game was the most entertaining game of th– oh wait.

      12 years ago at 6:00 pm
    4. DrFratlove

      As opposed to watching two offenses just walk down the field with the ball over and over? If you love that so much, go watch Basketball.

      12 years ago at 6:26 pm
    5. Broseph_Settles

      No matter how you look at it, the national championship sucked fat cock. You can say defense all you want but the sub-par quarterbacks didn’t really help. And yes, shootouts are better than that piece of shit NC.

      12 years ago at 9:38 pm
    6. McCoy

      Rewatch Oregon-USC last year, and then rewatch LSU-Bama last year, and tell me what one was more exciting. I guess you folks in the south enjoy sitting on your stoops watching the grass grow over the broken down car in your front lawn, so maybe a slower paced game is more up your alley.

      12 years ago at 11:19 am
    7. Cogito Ergo Bro

      Don’t know it off the top of my head but USC is like 10-4 against the SEC. Combine that with the SEC’s cupcakes, the Heisman front-runner, the best receiving tandem in the country, a favorable home and away schedule and a team that’s finally bowl eligible and you get a great Pac-12 V. SEC title game. Fight the fuck on!

      12 years ago at 2:02 pm
    8. ReaganKA

      McCoy I hate to break this to you but they will never legalize gay marriage in this country. Sorry bud. Why don’t you west coast pussies leave the college football talk up to us and just stick to the x games. Thanks for contributing to obama’s election. The west coast can go fuck itself.

      12 years ago at 8:20 pm
  5. Haze That Pledge

    SEC v. Southern Cal in the National Championship. It’ll be the matchup we’ve never gotten to see. We’ve seen SEC vs. Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio State, and Oregon, but not SC.

    12 years ago at 3:27 pm