Panini Shop Offers First Alcoholic Sandwich, FINALLY

For some reason, I am of the opinion that this story should have made headlines back in, oh I don’t know, like the day after prohibition was lifted. Sometime around there. Until now, we poor souls have had to settle for virgin turkey sandwiches our entire lives. Our long national nightmare is over.

“Cancel all lunch plans and make way for Liquor-Infused Panini from Salumè, just a few Italian sandwiches that also happen to be sauced up, available now.”

Cooking with alcohol is no novelty, but what we usually experience in liquor cuisine is the beautiful 80-proof nectar burning off during the cooking process. What makes Salumè unique, and fucking AWESOME, is that the spirits are poured onto the meat AFTER the cooking process. Fuck au jus sauce, give me a shot of fucking bourbon all on that meat.

Seriously though, this is the sandwich equivalent to the new rover on Mars, marking the future for sandwich consumption. I envision a hammered guy passed out at a party, his friends explaining “Yah, Ricky over there had like eight Reuben-scotch sandwiches on rye bread. He’s pretty fucked up.”

Just the thought of combining the late night drunchies WITH a liquor store run is intoxicating.

It’s about damn time I got drunk while eating my lunchtime sandwiches. This shit would have made nap time so much better in preschool.

  1. SkoalHammer

    You guys should try to make it less obvious that you take everything from barstool.

    12 years ago at 2:56 pm
    1. anon574839201

      “You stole that from Barstool.” NF.
      “You stole that from Old Row.” FaF.

      12 years ago at 3:03 pm