Throwback Thursday: Alexis Prepares for London

We’re going back in time a little while ago to witness the making of a legend – the blood, sweat, tears, pain and perseverance that was the foundation of future greatness. The young lady’s name is Alexis, and she’s about to lay it all on the line in preparation to don the red, white, and blue in London. We’re analyzing a grueling 100 meter hurdle training session. It’s an inspiring video, and one that should be required material for all aspiring Olympians.

Let’s break this shit down.

1st Hurdle: Flawless execution.

2nd Hurdle: Right foot gets clipped. Takes a nasty tumble, but hops right back up.

3rd Hurdle: Left foot clips hurdle. Miraculously stays on her feet. Remains unfazed. Keeps trucking.

4th Hurdle: Clears with ease. Hitting her stride now.

5th Hurdle: Another perfect hurdle. Going for greatness.

6th Hurdle: Gets hung up on the hurdle again. Slows down considerably. Appears to be walking in some sort of molasses that someone spread out on the track.

7th Hurdle: Fuck this hurdle.

8th Hurdle: Again, a flawless leap. Clears easily.

9th Hurdle: Somehow manages to hit both feet on hurdle. Takes nasty spill. Gets right back up on that saddle. Perseveres. Can smell finish line.

10th Hurdle: Left foot bangs hard into hurdle. Sprawled out on track. Hurting badly. Possible blood coming from knee(s). Appears to be spirit-broken. Gets up against all odds and flies past the finish line with seeming warp speed.

A legend is born.

She finished the 100 meter race in a swift 39 seconds, which sounds like an awesome time. However, it’s a mind-blowing 26.65 seconds slower than the 2012 Olympic gold performance. It turns out her Olympic dreams were not meant to be. Alexis’ destiny led her elsewhere, but we are still left with this 1:01 long reminder that anything is possible.

Watch the video:

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    1. fratanomics

      Here’s a tip: Don’t clip the tops of the hurdles. If you can’t sprint over them, slow down until you can. If you can’t jump over them, you probably shouldn’t be trying. If you insist on doing it, learn to deal with the constant pain in your knees, ankles, and mind.

      12 years ago at 1:34 pm
    2. fratanomics

      No I’m someone who didn’t fail at running hurdles. When I sucked at it, I slowed down until I didn’t hurt myself. I was never *that* good at it, but at least I stopped busting my ankles every other day.

      12 years ago at 2:11 pm
  1. anon574839201

    Central Catholic. NF.
    Catholic Central. FaF.

    Courage = sidestepping obstacles that life throws at you, both figuratively and literally.

    12 years ago at 1:37 pm
  2. BK2645

    What the fuck is up with every video on TFM today having an ad in front and having to watch the ad again before a replay?

    12 years ago at 1:41 pm
  3. F Scott Fratsgerald

    Why the fuck is TFM using videos that preview the expendables 2 every damn time?

    12 years ago at 1:42 pm
    1. Porky_Sig

      ^This. I was excited to see The Expendables 2, but seeing as I have the preview memorized, I’ll probably just wait until redbox.

      12 years ago at 1:48 pm
    1. Frat like a champ

      Hey I know her and she’s cool as fuck this was back in middle school so get fucked you troll

      12 years ago at 7:10 pm
    2. CaseyAtTheFrat7

      Hey guys apparently this girl is cool as fuck according to this guy ^ right up here because he knows her. And my sources are telling me that this was when she was in middle school. So I think we should just all lay off with the negative comments.

      12 years ago at 2:42 am