How to Get Second Place in the Olympic Medal Count as Inhumanely as Possible (Pictures)

The Daily Mail ran a story today on Chinese Olympians and how quite a few of them are trained. It’s every bit as messed up as you can imagine, but none of what’s in the story is all that new. I mean, this is China we’re talking about after all. They’re as interested in human rights as Americans are in soccer. Some of them are real big fans but most could take it or leave it.

You’ve probably heard a lot of what’s in the story before. The future Olympians are pulled from their families at an insanely young age and forced to train around the clock. The training facilities are almost like labor camps. The kids are physically abused and brainwashed. They’re probably injected with more steroids than Barry Bonds when he was feeling especially insecure. You know, just your typical day in the life of a Chinese athlete, nbd.

But what I really found interesting about this story in particular were the helpful visual aids. Take a peek inside the terrifying world of the young Chinese athlete.

Meanwhile Michael Phelps is somewhere ripping a bong and getting Cheetos dust on his 18 gold medals. Apparently Chinese “athlete factories” make as inferior of a product as the rest of their factories.

    1. Mulatto Faceguy

      Just be happy America is diverse. It is really what keeps us WAY ahead. Real talk, and it’s not changing so embrace it. ex: track — I do believe we were losing to PRC prior to that. Regardless, we are in this together. America fucking dominating the Olympics (not racist) FaF.. believe that white boys.

      12 years ago at 9:59 pm
    2. GodDamnLiberals

      While you’re on the wring website to post that, I agree. What would Saturdays be like?

      12 years ago at 6:26 pm
  1. This Fuckin Guy

    Herro. Re r Chinese peeper. Re come heur to rure at de Orympics. Oh rait, re rost.

    12 years ago at 10:35 am
  2. Yo Soy Fiesta

    What’s Chubby McFatfuck in picture 3 training for? Also I didn’t see any Hello Kitty gear, very surprising. Picture number 4 is actually from Penn State’s locker room.

    12 years ago at 10:46 am
  3. JP Morgan

    In other news today, China has apparently discovered a cure for the Smiling and Childhood epidemic that has been ravaging those between 0 and 18 years of age.

    12 years ago at 3:18 pm