1. Proud Devry Alum

    So what you’re saying is that you put a dudes penis in your mouth and drink from it. Man that must taste great!

    12 years ago at 1:39 pm
    1. ClarkGriswoldsShorts

      I have seen your comments on at least the last 8 TFMs and not one person has acknowledged any humor stemming from said comments. Your mother is a whore for having you.

      12 years ago at 11:23 pm
    1. Danny Devitbro

      I found out the only thing strippers love more than pity is money. And I brought a shit load of that.

      12 years ago at 7:55 pm
    2. ClarkGriswoldsShorts

      I’ve found that they are also pretty fond of methamphetamine and abortions as well.

      12 years ago at 11:21 pm
  2. better_than_you

    Drinking beer out of the stirppes prosthetic leg before killing her and dumping her body in an unsuspecting child’s sand box thats shaped like a turtle. TFTC.

    12 years ago at 4:26 pm
    1. GTgentleman

      So that’s why my parents threw my turtle sandbox away without telling me…

      12 years ago at 6:08 pm