Pre-gaming Leads to More College Sex, Booze and Drugs

…per a recent waste of time and money.

“A new study from Switzerland” is the only language provided about the depth of this hard-hitting research project. There are no details given about the length of time, cost or resources used to obtain this earth-moving information, but if more than whatever the cost is to drive to the nearest American university, lodging for one night, and the drive home was spent, this study was an inefficient use of funds. What’s that setting you back, $50 in gas and $50 at the nearby shitbag motel? $100 budget seems almost reasonable.

One Thursday, Friday or Saturday night tagging along with any fraternity, carrying a notepad to record observations, should provide ample evidence to reach the conclusion uncovered by this study. Per the results, “young adults who engage in pre-drinking, also called pre-gaming, are more likely to drink heavily over the course of an evening than those who don’t pre-drink.” Stop the presses…

Pre-drinking involves drinking alcohol at home or in a public place, such as a park, before going to a party or bar. Drinkers may want to achieve a “buzz” or get drunk before going out, sometimes in an effort to save money by buying less at the bar. The study also found that those who pre-drank were more likely to suffer risky or unfavorable consequences of drinking, such as blackouts, hangovers, unplanned substance abuse or unprotected sex.

It also looks like you under-21s are more guilty than the rest, but we can all take comfort in knowing Americans in general are big pre-gamers.

Pre-drinking is a bigger problem in the U.S. because the legal drinking age is higher than in Switzerland, said Dr. Christopher Welsh, an addiction psychiatrist at University of Maryland who was not involved with the study. “Young adults are drinking a lot more before they go out, knowing they won’t be able to drink at the bar, or party or college event,” Welsh said.

Other studies have shown that “up to 75 percent of U.S. college students engage in pre-drinking.”

The firm is currently undergoing another research project where they hope to prove that thin females with large cans and tight asses are more sexually desirable than morbidly obese ones. I can’t wait to read the results.

[H/T to LoneFratStar]


  1. The Brototype

    In reality, not a bad study. Makes it justifiable to force bars to have lower drink prices in the interests of “public safety.”

    12 years ago at 12:24 pm
  2. J Fratpont Morgan

    I would be interested in assisting the researchers’ study of large cans and tight asses.

    12 years ago at 10:35 am