Asking her what movie she wants to fuck to on the late night redbox run. TFM.

    1. TheCommodore

      If you don’t fuck her raw dog to Saw 2 while she’s on her period, you’re a fucking pussy.

      12 years ago at 12:33 pm
  1. FuckTheLiberals

    You should take her to the theater instead and ask for two tickets to ‘pound town’. Such a great film.

    12 years ago at 10:46 pm
    1. ScottCHB

      My mom said I should be a barber cause I get my hair cut every few weeks. Dumbass.

      12 years ago at 2:35 pm
    1. Bone Padre

      ^ No, Randy Marsh bought Blockbuster (for a mere $10,000; great deal), dipshit.

      12 years ago at 4:45 pm
  2. TheJokeExplainer

    This is funny because the act of watching a movie together is frequently used by fraternity men as an innocuous pretext to get a member of the opposite sex alone in her place of residence so that she can engage in sexual activity with him without the stigma of promiscuity that accompanies directly admitting her intent to do so. The poster is simultaneously utilizing and ridiculing this practice by going through the formality of renting a film but also directly acknowledging to his sexual partner that said film will only be used as background noise for their impending sexual intercourse.

    12 years ago at 1:31 pm
    1. Beer Drinker

      I always look for this guy before reading the other comments just in case I’m not fully understanding the joke, so that way I get a better reading experience later on

      12 years ago at 2:43 pm