In response to that geed that posted a picture of that new-money so-called frat castle. This is how old money does it.

  1. Sir Fratsalot

    Since when did old money do vinyl siding? I guess I didn’t get the memo that inferior building material was implied wealth.

    14 years ago at 9:14 pm
    1. Fudge

      I have no idea what the house is made of but it sure as hell is not vinyl siding. It is painted wood of some sort I believe. And I’m sorry that Sir Fratsalot grew up in a new money shitty ass suburban middle class neighborhood where you have not seen a house that looks like this. My slate roof probably costs more than your father makes in a year.

      14 years ago at 9:20 pm
    1. Fayettechill

      As an Agronomy major, Ag School you are a retard. Stripes in a yard indicate whoever is cutting their yard is actually doing a good job. In orde to make stripes you have to hit the exact same spot each way for an extended period of time. Light stripes are from one pass and the dark pass is from the other way.

      14 years ago at 9:52 pm
    2. S

      my family much prefers a striped lawn. gives a much neater look to the property, especially over many acres

      14 years ago at 9:55 pm
  2. sig

    yes this is more what real wealthy living looks like. vinyl siding is questionable, but the style is proper. a proper size that is comfortable, yet not overly ostentatious. thats the beauty of old money: discretion. try to learn about it new money kids

    14 years ago at 9:31 pm
  3. outRAGEous

    is that in fairfield county? because it looks like it, and many aspects of fairfield county are TFMs unto themselves. and that little fence on the right indicates a pool. try and argue a backyard pool is not fratty. overall, siding or not, thats a nice little 2 million dollar colonial you got there.

    14 years ago at 9:37 pm
  4. marty mcfrat

    thats not striping on the lawn, thats a low tire or something. stripes are frat but this is definitely a swing and a miss.

    14 years ago at 11:20 pm
  5. Fratticus Finch

    Take it from an architect…that’s not vinyl siding. Wooden siding is a TFM on new or historic fratcastles because it takes plenty of money to put that on a house.

    14 years ago at 11:27 pm