Dubya referring to accusations of torture as "enhanced interrogation." TFM.

  1. getHeadGoToBed

    Honestly, Clinton’s evasion by deconstructing the word “is” is even more of a TFM.

    12 years ago at 9:22 pm
  2. ChacarronMacarron

    Referring to things that the spanish Inquisition called torture as “not torture”. TFM.

    12 years ago at 9:41 pm
    1. ChacarronMacarron

      Neglecting to capitalize the names of countries that aren’t America. TFM.

      12 years ago at 9:42 pm
  3. ScottCHB

    The good ol’ days, when American presidents responded to torture accusations with, “Ha, yeah”. TFM.

    12 years ago at 11:14 pm