Michigan State University

Beer bong? How about tequila bong? MSU in PV. TFM.

  1. LadieslovetheDeke

    Saying it’s tequila when it’s really beer is the alcohol equivalent of telling people you got into Michigan but chose Michigan State.

    12 years ago at 11:32 am
    1. VandyLaw

      The only people that got into Michigan but went to State are coached by Izzo – the rest are middle class proles too dumb to stop saying something nobody believes.

      12 years ago at 4:02 pm
  2. Legend734

    I watched this girl bong 2 beers 2 minutes before this Its also tequila mixed with beer. Quit the hating

    12 years ago at 11:48 am
  3. foloco465

    dudeeeeeee this girl is fucking great. I am pretty sure she can rip that bong better than all of you AND hit a few lines faster than you can imagine.

    state goes harder and is a 100p better looking than U of M. #yourejustjealous

    12 years ago at 4:11 pm
    1. hellomotherfucker

      Yassss the videos that you see of them partying its them standing around barely doing shit

      10 years ago at 7:51 am