Being more excited for America's 237th birthday than for your own 21st. TFM. fratstar198812 years ago
Tommy Gufano Your real 21st or the one on your fake ID?!?!? You’re so frat, NJ is so frat, keep fratting hard you fucking stud 12 years ago at 10:49 pm
FuckingLegend Wait there are fraternities in Jersey? I thought it was only those MTV Guido fucks that lived there 12 years ago at 10:06 am
That’s pretty neat
12 years ago at 12:18 pmcome up with something new
12 years ago at 1:04 pmI have read this comment a lot.
12 years ago at 1:10 pmThats because you’re turning 25.
12 years ago at 3:57 pmThat’s a no brainer
12 years ago at 5:44 pmYour real 21st or the one on your fake ID?!?!? You’re so frat, NJ is so frat, keep fratting hard you fucking stud
12 years ago at 10:49 pmswing and a miss, because not really.
12 years ago at 5:31 pmWait there are fraternities in Jersey? I thought it was only those MTV Guido fucks that lived there
12 years ago at 10:06 am