Man Arrested After Firing A Couple Finger Pistol Rounds Off In Movie Theater
We’ve gone down this road before, haven’t we? Ah yes, remember when that 6-year-old kid was suspended from school for finger pistoling chicks on the playground and in the hallways? Just blasting away at little 2nd grade pre-sorosties and priming them for some schoolyard flirt sessions. And just like it did then, it cuts me very deeply to hear that law enforcement stepped into action when Darrell Reynolds, 54, got cuffed after FP-ing his boys in a movie theater.
From Opposing Views:
[Darrell Reynolds] allegedly entered a theater showing the movie “World War Z” on Friday night and scared the crowd by pretending he was shooting a gun, according to
“It was dark and nobody could really tell especially if you were in the back and you just see a guy going ‘choo choo choo,’” said Caroline Morales, one of the people in the theater Friday night. “The rumor quickly spread that it was a gun and everyone is rushing to the exit quickly. We couldn’t have got out if we wanted to.”
Bullshit, man. Look at this hombre’s mugshot. The guy is pure class. Here he is just trying to walk to his seat, most likely doing that slow, creep-walk thing down in front of the seating area to give all the movie babes ample time to check him out while he’s pretending he hasn’t spotted his crew up there on the 10th row yet. He’s doing the hand above the eyes thing to block out the bright light from the projector, when really it just acts like a huge spotlight for the show he’s putting on. Then, he finally spots his boys up there, or pretends he finally spots them, and seamlessly transitions his light block hand maneuver into a beautiful finger pistol that would bring Shooter McGavin to his knees. He was just firing off a few rounds, a few warning shots.
And on top of all that, he throws in some “choo choo choo” sound effects for good measure. The movie patrons got their money’s worth before the featured attraction even lit up on the screen. Someone buy this man a large tub with all the extra butter he can handle.
Reynolds was charged with disorderly conduct and could pay a fine up to $350.
[via Opposing Views]
Image via Gawker
I’m sorry, I thought this was America.
12 years ago at 1:27 pmIf he had thrown in a flexed ‘cep, he would have been fighting of the primo babes.
12 years ago at 1:29 pmThis guy’s doing it wrong.
12 years ago at 1:30 pmI’m going to start whipping my finger pistol out to clear out loud movie theaters, lines at the doctors, crowded restaurants with slow service. This has some potential.
12 years ago at 1:31 pmBetter not do it at Six Flags Over Georgia though. You and I both know all those thugs in Atlanta are strapped
12 years ago at 2:07 am
12 years ago at 1:31 pmIf throwing a couple finger pistols to some sluts is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.
12 years ago at 1:33 pmDamn, I thought this was going to be about a guy who was two fingers, knuckle deep in a pussy at a movie theater.
12 years ago at 1:33 pm
12 years ago at 1:36 pm^ sucks
12 years ago at 12:24 amShit, fudged up the first one.

12 years ago at 1:38 pmWaiting on a @ShooterMcGavin_ tweet in regards.
12 years ago at 2:14 pmHow goddamn dumb do you have to be to mistake someone making a “choo choo choo” sound with their mouth for actual gunfire? I get that in the dark, his hand may have looked like a small gun, but mouth noises?!? Fucking really?!?
12 years ago at 1:45 pmThought the same thing. I guess the libs have demonized guns (in an attempt to distance the people from them) to the point where idiots have no idea what one actually sounds like. Fucking ridiculous.
12 years ago at 2:23 pmWell, Mr. Frat Ross, you see if he had a real gun in a dark movie theater and made mocking/taunting noises like a warning… you might can see how it could freak people out.
12 years ago at 3:40 pm