Obama playing golf. NF. The Bush Dynasty playing golf. TFM.

  1. polo or dead

    Honestly I am republican who voted for McCain and a proud kappa Sig and I will say this website sounds less fratty the more we talk about politics and keep comparing Bush and Obama.

    14 years ago at 8:18 pm
    1. Frattylights

      He has a point and by the way I dont give a fuck if I am the only frat guy to say it. Dubbya was a embarrassment to this nation! GDI means shit because I am not one! FUCK BUSH!!!!

      14 years ago at 7:11 pm
  2. Living The Dream

    Forgot to put my name in the email. Had to make up for that GDI Obama photo down there…

    14 years ago at 9:17 pm
  3. Runkle

    the best part about this is that so many people are hating on obama for wearing a watch while playing golf, and all three of these gentlemen are wearing watches

    14 years ago at 10:26 pm
    1. S.H. Mouse

      who cares about the watch… he was wearing cargos – on a golf course, and he claims to represent OUR nation… Jeb Bush for President in 2012!

      14 years ago at 11:55 pm
    2. Phil Fratkelson

      Phil Mickelson was wearing a Rolex when he rolled in the birdie on 18 to win the 2004 Masters, Obama wears a Timex.

      14 years ago at 12:12 am
    3. FRAT. Enough said

      Obama wears a wal-mart watch and wal-mart cargo shorts. The bush family is classy and from the south unlike that geed Obama from the north.

      14 years ago at 3:43 pm
  4. The only General that matters

    I’m willing to bet my trust fund that all three of their BACs were higher than their score post 18.TFM

    14 years ago at 12:47 am
    1. Kentucky Gentleman

      He just had to pull the born again Christian move to clean up his image so he could move his fratting hard ways into the white house. TFM

      14 years ago at 1:25 pm
    2. Runkle

      All of you are gayer than aids with your comebacks to my comment. It doesn’t fucking matter where they shop. The bottom line is that people on this site change their minds about what is “frat” based on the situation at hand, which just proves that the vast majority of people on this site are most likely in lower tier greek organizations at their respective school and have serious inferiority complex issues. Knowing what is really going on. TFM

      14 years ago at 1:17 am
  5. Rand Paul

    The one on the right was my governor for 8 years and will hopefully be my next president for 8 years.

    14 years ago at 8:47 am
  6. slampiece1

    Talking politics is fratty you GDI. Considering most presidents were in Fraternities and it’s American to know politics. Talking Politics TFM.

    14 years ago at 11:31 am