He wears Costas much better than a GDI. TFM.

    1. Alpha Max-4

      He’s a hunting dog not a cock munching poodle wearing a pink bow and perfume.

      14 years ago at 8:02 pm
  1. Better than you since 1870

    Dr. Brosif and Sig says, get off this site. Nothing about this pic is NF. You’re NF for trying to find anything NF about this pic.

    14 years ago at 12:46 pm
    1. you're gay

      someone’s a little testy about a comment about a fucking picture of a dog… you must be angered easily. And how can you be better than someone for 140 years?

      14 years ago at 4:01 pm
  2. Go forth and frat hard

    My God. This dog frats harder than every “fratstar” north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Bravo sir.

    14 years ago at 1:11 pm
    1. Alpha Max-4

      Lab person hating on other labs = NF.
      It all depends on the genes and the trainer

      14 years ago at 3:13 pm
    2. Fratagonia

      Not knowing this isn’t a chocolate lab = NF. Think before you post. You’re making this website look bad.

      14 years ago at 4:40 pm