Sigma Pi Asks Chi Omega To Homecoming In Video Of A Lifetime

The video description from YouTube:

The gentleman of Sigma Pi create a montage to ask the lovely ladies of Chi Omega at the College of William and Mary to Homecoming 2014 [sic]

You all are in for a treat today. The fellas over at Sigma Pi at the College of William and Mary put together this little video montage of themselves putting together a video montage, asking Chi Omega to Homecoming in 2014, or something along those lines. It’s a pretty amazing video, start to finish. If Chi Omega says no to this proposal, it’s safe to assume they either hate fun or their chapter is 100% lesbian.

Here’s my screenshot breakdown before we get to the video:

Like we all do before any good montage, the gang worked in a quick homoerotic stretch in an empty field.

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Then, after a quick gym sesh, they start in on some choreography. And I’ve got to tell you, you’ve never seen moves like these, guys.

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Boom. Outta nowhere we have a casual dude trip to the grocery store to pick up a dozen red. Nailed it.

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Snuggie game on lock.

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And so much more. Watch the video in its entirety here:

Let us know what they say, guys.

Image via YouTube


    1. WMfrat

      Please. They’re being asked by Beta and Sig Pi, plus they killed it this year with Pika. They’re worth it.

      11 years ago at 4:08 pm
    2. Diplofrat USA

      My point is that no sorority at this school is worth making a gay ass for. Hate to be so negative, but it’s true.

      11 years ago at 4:22 pm
    3. Diplofrat USA

      Also, I’ve been hearing that people are actually giving Sig Pi props for this video around campus. Wake the fuck up. All of the comments on here are dogging it and Dorn’s write-up was sarcasm.

      11 years ago at 10:16 pm
  1. Steersbeersnoqueers

    Hey Dorn, I haven’t read a genitalia tingling article from Becca in awhile. What gives? Did we scare her away with our threats of butt pee?

    11 years ago at 3:11 pm