Duke Fan Trolls Hard, Deletes All Midterm Notes In The Public Google Doc Of A UNC History Class, Leaves An F-U Meme


College sports rivalries are simply the best. Their level of trolling is certainly unmatched. There may not be any rivalry, however, that is as troll-tastic as Duke-North Carolina. The great part about that particular rivalry is that it’s one featuring two relatively intelligent schools, and thus generally ensures that there will be an impressive amount of cleverness that comes with the antics, making them all the more entertaining. Elsewhere, meanwhile, hillbillies are pouring poison on each other’s plants.

In the latest chapter of the never-ending Duke-UNC “fuck you” fest, who UNC students believe to be a random Duke student got into the public Google Doc filled with the notes for the midterm in a UNC history class, delete them, and replace it with the following meme:


That’s just excellent work. Is there really a better way to screw your rival school than by actually adversely affecting their education? I say no, and that these sorts of pranks should be the new standard in school rivalries. Pillage your rival’s online notes and leave funny memes (like Duke did) or weird porn (like I would). Send pledges to their campus, hungover and gassy, and have them all fart up a demonic ass storm in the middle of an exam in an auditorium. Shit, I’m worried I may have just inadvertently convinced an Alabama fan to burn down one of Auburn’s libraries and then drag their scrotum across an Auburn’s student’s face while they’re passed out from smoke inhalation. Please restrain yourselves, Tide fans.

According to UNC students who commented on the Facebook thread where this photo was first posted, notes were possibly able to be recovered by going back through the edit history on the doc, so the Duke prankster may have only temporarily set back the History 107 class, which according to my Googling is “A survey of Western Europe and the Mediterranean World, 300-1500.” Forget trying to recover the notes, if I were the UNC kids I would’ve tried to use that as an excuse to get out of the test, and I like history.

Regardless of how this all turned out, well played, Duke. Well played.

[via Overheard at UNC]

  1. duckdog

    I miss the good ol’days of just spray painting a dick or something on the quad or the doors of the administrative building.

    11 years ago at 12:38 pm
  2. BRFratty

    Get access to rival fraternities’ test banks and delete everything. Would cause WWIII.

    11 years ago at 12:38 pm
      1. SharonWood

        I’m making 87 USD an hour working at my floor. I was amazed when my neighbour told me she was averaging $90 but I see how it works now. I feel so much freedom now that I’m my own boss. This is what I do>>>> N­O­O­B­J­O­B­S­.­­ℭ­­Oℳ

        11 years ago at 8:25 pm
  3. Golden Sombrero Blogs | Duke Fan Deleting Midterm Review Google Doc is Confusing and/or Fake

    […] TotalFratMove – College sports rivalries are simply the best. Their level of trolling is certainly unmatched. There may not be any rivalry, however, that is as troll-tastic as Duke-North Carolina. The great part about that particular rivalry is that it’s one featuring two relatively intelligent schools, and thus generally ensures that there will be an impressive amount of cleverness that comes with the antics, making them all the more entertaining. Elsewhere, meanwhile, hillbillies are pouring poison on each other’s plants. In the latest chapter of the never-ending Duke-UNC “fuck you” fest, who UNC students believe to be a random Duke student got into the public Google Doc filled with the notes for the midterm in a UNC history class, delete them, and replace it with the following meme: That’s just excellent work. Is there really a better way to screw your rival school than by actually adversely affecting their education? I say no, and that these sorts of pranks should be the new standard in school rivalries. Pillage your rival’s online notes and leave funny memes (like Duke did) or weird porn (like I would). Send pledges to their campus, hungover and gassy, and have them all fart up a demonic ass storm in the middle of an exam in an auditorium. Shit, I’m worried I may have just inadvertently convinced an Alabama fan to burn down one of Auburn’s libraries and then drag their scrotum across an Auburn’s student’s face while they’re passed out from smoke inhalation. Please restrain yourselves, Tide fans. According to UNC students who commented on the Facebook thread where this photo was first posted, notes were possibly able to be recovered by going back through the edit history on the doc, so the Duke prankster may have only temporarily set back the History 107 class, which according to my Googling is “A survey of Western Europe and the Mediterranean World, 300-1500.” Forget trying to recover the notes, if I were the UNC kids I would’ve tried to use that as an excuse to get out of the test, and I like history. Regardless of how this all turned out, well played, Duke. Well played. […]

    11 years ago at 1:01 pm
  4. Call sign_Goose

    I mean i think this is pretty funny. Reasonable response? Probably a little overboard…but at the same time its not my midterm so i dont really care, well played.

    11 years ago at 1:06 pm
  5. ILoveFratking

    “Well played” my cock… If these Dook fans were smart, they’d be devising a way to actually beat Carolina rather than using their nerd skills to try and mess with their fans. Fuck Dook and their shitty Greek life

    11 years ago at 1:18 pm
      1. ILoveFratking

        Yeah that’s probably why I said they should be working on a winning game plan against Carolina.. Asshat.

        11 years ago at 6:48 pm
      2. StarShieldandLamp

        Judging by your name, and the fact that you joined less than a month ago, I’m going to assume you are a geed wishing he received a bid. Sorry pal try again next semester.

        11 years ago at 8:35 am
  6. Strom Thurmond

    Fire did strike Auburn’s library, and it came with this commentary from the HBC, ”but the real tragedy was that fifteen hadn’t been colored yet.”

    11 years ago at 1:39 pm