1. IOccupiedYourMom1855

      Let’s be honest as far as “fratty” democrats go it’s
      1). Dirty Bill Clinton
      2). JFK
      3). John Kerry

      He’s super wealthy, and really gives little to zero fucks. if he wasn’t President Obamas VP, everyone on this site would like him.

      11 years ago at 6:47 pm
      1. TFTHaveAUserName

        Kerry is Secretary of State. Joe Biden is VP. And they can both eat shit.

        11 years ago at 7:42 pm
  1. Living_the_dream

    It’s a TFM other than the fact that John Kerry is a worthless Democrat. Sorry if there were any misconceptions.

    11 years ago at 12:00 pm
  2. Coxy

    TFM is fucking retarded these days. Kerry fought in ‘Nam, won a purple fucking heart, ran for president and only received one A while in college. Who gives a shit he’s a liberal; he makes Romney look like a fucking thespian major.

    11 years ago at 3:33 am