Maps Show Which Countries Love American Booze The Most


American world dominance isn’t solely predicated on how big our metaphorical swinging dick happens to be (huge). It’s also about the proliferation and prevalence of American culture worldwide. Even when other countries hate us, they still accidentally love us. “America is evil!” shouts the Jordanian university student, before playing a Ke$ha song on her iPhone and skipping away to English class.

Whether it’s movies, music, technology, or food, American culture is unavoidably consumed by all. One day soon an American drone is going to be visiting houses around the world. Whether that drone is from Amazon, delivering a season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians on DVD, or from the Air Force, delivering a payload slightly more terrifying than that DVD set, is completely up to that person.

Along with movies about fightin’ robots and the best machines with which to watch porn while on the go, American booze is also quite prevalent around the world. Our beer and wine exports are humongous, and now, thanks to Vinepair, we can see which countries consume the most American booze.

These are the countries that drink the most American beer:

which-countries-drank-most-beer1 big legend

Most of the beer consumption was limited to North and South America, with Mexico, Canada, Chile, Panama, and Paraguay rounding out the top 5. Makes sense, not a lot of variety (that I’ve seen) in the Latin beer department, as compared to Europe, wherein every county or province makes a different type of beer. Seems like everything south of the U.S. spends their nights killing nothing but cheap American beer and the typical Latin-style cervezas. It’s like spring break forever down there.

The beer may be imported out of a necessity for basic variety, but the wine imports show that America has become a leader in what was once thought to be a pretty niche market, according to a movie starring Professor Snape and Captain Kirk that I once saw…a preview for.

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Most striking about this map is that the United Kingdom, which is a Chunnel away from the best wine in the world, is the number one importer of American wine, and by a huge margin. That’s not to say they don’t haul in plenty of French wine as well, but they clearly love them some American vino. I hope it’s all Franzia. Italy comes in at number three, but I think that has less to do with preference and more to do with the fact that they drink more wine than they are capable of producing.

[via Vinepair]

  1. BroeBear

    Proof that even those commies in China can’t resist the sweet taste of freedom

    11 years ago at 3:13 pm
  2. semoslammer

    Even the French cheese eating surrender monkeys cant say no to slappin the bag.

    11 years ago at 3:18 pm
  3. Matt Steinmetz

    Its no wonder the Middle East is so violent. Thousands of years of religious turmoil is nothing a few beers cant take care of.

    11 years ago at 3:24 pm
  4. RayJHitItFirst

    These maps say America had less than 10,700 beers and less than 200 boxes of wine…in an entire year…way to check your facts, intern.

    11 years ago at 4:53 pm