IGN Puts Together An Ultimate Fraternity Movie Cast That Isn’t Half Bad

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In a move that surprises the shit out of me, the nerds over at IGN have somehow put together a fraternity movie cast comprised of great characters from some of the best movies ever made. While I don’t totally agree with all their decisions, I have to say that they’re not too bad.

“The New Pledge”

Luke McNamara from “The Skulls” is a decent choice for this role. I mean, the dude covered up a murder just to get in. That takes dedication. In the end, McNamara drops because he’s not all about murders and conspiracies, so I guess he’s kind of a pussy. Sounds like a typical pledge to me.

“The Awesome Guy”

Van Wilder is awesome, so he definitely was a great choice. He throws big parties, doesn’t really give two shits about the school administration, is popular with the ladies, and he’s willing to do whatever he can to keep from graduating. Pretty awesome, if you ask me.

“The Virgin”

If you didn’t already know, I’m a huge “Animal House” fan. Naturally, any characters from that movie who made this list were pretty good in my book. Larry “Pinto” Kroger is the epitome of a virgin. Why? Because the dude’s a fucking virgin. Too easy.

“The Nerd”

You knew IGN was going to throw one in here, and Lewis Skolnick from “Revenge of the Nerds” is probably the nerd hero. He’s right up there with badass Carl Sagan and the smart-as-shit Einstein. Seriously, this dude dresses like a complete goober, laughs like a donkey, and has pretty awful game with the ladies. Sounds like a nerd to me.

“The Rich Kid”

I guess Eduardo Saverin from “The Social Network” is an okay choice. The problem with the “rich kid” character is that there are so many good ones to choose from. Still, as far as connections, money, and class go, Saverin is pretty much your stereotypical rich kid.

“The Evil Dean”

Dean Wormer is the ultimate evil dean. Shitty deans across the country look up to this fictional piece of crap. Fuck him. Double secret probation? Yeah, this guy is a total asshole. My main man Otter hooked up with his wife, though, so I guess we came out alright in the end.

“The Prankster”

Just from seeing the commercials for “Neighbors,” I can tell you that Teddy Sanders is the ultimate prankster. Airbags under an office chair? Classic.

“The Pensioner”

Rodney Dangerfield’s Thornton Melon from “Back to School” is just your classic old guy. Yeah, he’s old, but he likes to throw down. He’s rich, a hit with ladies a third his age, and he likes to have a good time. Sounds like a real winner to me.

“The Tank”

Frank Ricard is “Frank the Tank.” Enough said.

“The Psychotic Jock”

The ogre from “Revenge Of The Nerds” is a jock. He loves to drink, haze, and destroy anything in his path. Also, he fucking HATES nerds.

“The Bluto”

John Blutarsky is one of the funniest characters of all time. His antics are hilarious, his lack of fucks is admirable, and his dedication to the lifestyle–shown by his GPA–is unmatched. Good choice, IGN.

Overall, I think this list was pretty good. To see the rest of the characters, as well as IGN’s rationale, click here.

[via IGN]

  1. ChillwaterBroklahoma

    We should get TFM to get a kick starter going to fund this type of movie.

    10 years ago at 9:26 am
  2. Natty Enthusiast

    Make another “mean comments” video intern, its been a few months so I’m sure you’ve had some pretty decent constructive criticism over that time

    10 years ago at 9:33 am
  3. Matt Steinmetz

    “The Cocksucker”

    I like the choice of Bacon because he deepthroats like a champ and swallows too

    10 years ago at 10:26 am
    1. RisingFratstarOfTX

      Do we know whether or not otter was a rich kid?
      Nothing at all against Otter, but I feel like he would be better as kind of a “Mentor” role. Maybe Chapter President.

      10 years ago at 7:15 pm