College Student Busted With More Than $100K Worth Of Pot

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I have always imagined the world of high volume drug dealing to be something out of the movies, with car chases, double-dealing, paying off cops, and other stuff like that. These kinds of stories tend to shatter all that like a high capacity submachine gun shattered all the windows in Scarface’s house. A guy with entirely too many legal names, Aaron Andrew Paul Gmuca, 24, was busted after trying to hide a vacuum-sealed bag of $15,000 under the seat of his car during a traffic stop. He’s a senior at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

After the police realized Gmuca probably didn’t have that bag of cash just to pay off his undergraduate tuition bills, they questioned the people in the car and learned they had just made a delivery. This led to the discovery of 20 vacuum-sealed bags each containing a pound of weed. For anyone who is unaware, that is a lot of weed. I’m pretty sure this is how “Pineapple Express” started.

The moral of this story is that you don’t conduct major drug deals and then have more than $10,000 out in plain sight during a traffic stop. Rookie mistake, Gmuca. I’m sure his ability to hide things will improve in prison, though.

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[via WPXI]

  1. Crow26

    Good reason not to get caught, this amounts been extremely over estimated, sucks for them. and thats only 15 grand sitting on the table there. but hey looks good in the news i guess

    10 years ago at 3:39 pm
  2. Grumpy Gus

    While they ended up making a bust (for something that shouldn’t be illegal anyways), it’s preposterous that they searched his car because they saw a large sum of money. I’m going to start driving around with a million dollars in an open briefcase in my passenger seat just so I can tell cops to piss off when they decide they can search my car for that.

    10 years ago at 3:56 pm
    1. Dick_Nixon

      It’s called suspicious behavior, bud. If you see a guy driving (in a most likely shitty part of town) trying to vacuum seal loads of cash, I’m pretty sure you would also start to ask questions if you were a cop. Use your damn head.

      10 years ago at 4:03 pm
    2. turk28

      What happened was the people in the car made a critical mistake…. They started talking. Once the talking starts, the officer started building probable cause against the driver which can and did lead to his car getting searched.

      What they should of done was ask if he was being detained. If the officer said yes, then he should only say that he requests to have legal counsel present to answer anymore questions. If the officer continues to ask questions, which he almost always will, they should continue to state that you request legal counsel before you answer questions.

      If the officer asks to search car, he does not have probable cause because police only ASK if they have to, otherwise the do what they want.

      10 years ago at 6:16 pm
      1. Stonewall

        You’re the asshole that volunteers to talk to the cops when they show up at parties, aren’t you?

        10 years ago at 9:49 am
  3. FratN

    First of all, 20 pounds is no where near 100k… Thats pretty pathetic people dont even know prices. 20 lbs is about 20k. Which is still alot, but no where near 100k.

    10 years ago at 4:12 pm
    1. FraturdayMorningWood

      28 grams in an ounce. 16 ounces in a pound. 448 grams in a pound. 8,960 grams total. Easily get $20 dollars a gram for good weed…according to your math, your weed costs $2.25 a gram. It seems you fall into the category of people who don’t even know prices.

      10 years ago at 9:52 am
      1. Kappa Significant

        Do you or the idiots who supported you not understand simple economies of scale or is being educated now considered NF?…I’m not saying fucktard FratN is right (because he’s not), but you are so far off the fact that people agreed with you makes me pissed off. Stop breathing through your mouth for 10 seconds to realize that buying in bulk reduces the average price per unit dramatically. It seems you fall into the category of people who lick windows.

        10 years ago at 1:07 am
  4. NightriderNoisewater

    Thank god the police are putting an end to this cracking down on this drug. Too many people are dying from this drug and too many snacks are being eaten.

    10 years ago at 4:50 pm
    1. Kappa Significant

      IUPUI is that college that good schools schedule early in the season to boost their own team’s confidence.

      10 years ago at 8:25 am
      1. FrattyMacDaddyTFM

        IUPUI is Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, jackass.

        10 years ago at 8:58 am
      2. Kappa Significant

        So not knowing the random Indiana university abbreviations makes me a “jackass?” What is wrong with you and what went wrong with this site? It’s embarrassing.

        10 years ago at 1:00 am
  5. GentlemanCode

    This isn’t related to the story at all, but has anyone scrolled through the “We Recommend” section on their mobile phone and thought the “Frenzy over new skinny pill” picture was two people fucking? Also, is everyone getting the same recommended, cause I’m getting a lot of why this porno is disappointing articles…

    10 years ago at 5:07 am
  6. Awful_Pledge_Name

    If you going to drive around with pot and money stashed in our car… Get your broken tail lights fixed.

    10 years ago at 8:34 am