A brother's widow donating to our house for his frat brothers. TFM.

  1. Fratgineer

    His death places him in a class amongst the founding members of our chapter. A legend.

    11 years ago at 6:42 pm
  2. Kandinsky

    The pledges should organize a fundraiser to help her pay her medical bills, legal needs, etc.

    11 years ago at 10:02 am
    1. John_deltway

      shut up. Respect the man who is a much greater gentleman than you will ever be.

      11 years ago at 4:21 pm
    2. Danny Porush

      You thought everyone would say “oh DTBOMO, that’s so funny” and “this” your comment but now look at you, you worthless fuck

      11 years ago at 8:19 am
  3. alaskasigep

    A true family as the wife is living with heart failure she feels the need to honor her late husband’s memory. God bless both of them.

    11 years ago at 7:29 pm